_R E L E A S E D _A B O U T Back2Fronts is an extensive mod that will overhaul your Call of Duty 2 game to a next level. This mod brings more variety, intensity, realism and battle-like experience. Try new weapons, fight new enemies, fulfil new missions and explore new options. Mod is SP and MP friendly (although primary part is SP). _M O D _C R E D I T S See full detail. _D O W N L O A D For other addons go to. _C O N T A C T You can contact us at MCh2207Cz's email: Please, DO NOT WRITE into COMMENTS things like bugs, your ideas, questions or requests.

T Pain Revolver Rar Download

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T Pain Revolver Rar Download

Thanks for understanding. Regards, Back2Fronts mod team. ____________ Firstly, I am searching for TRANSLATORS.

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Back2Fronts mod will always be in English by default. But I want to offer various language localizations (translations of all texts in mod) when patch 1.1 is released. I already have Spanish thanks to and. I plan also the French, Italian and German. That said, I am asking you - my mod followers and native speakers - for help with translation into these 3 languages. I have just one condition - you must speak English because the base text for translation will be in English and communication with me will be in English as well. You can apply at my email: EDIT (July 6th, 2017): I got already translators for French and Italian.

Still looking for German translator. Act V16 Keygen more. If any of you, followers, want to offer translation of some other additional language, feel free to contact me. EDIT (July 9th, 2017): Now I got also a translator for German.

Some other languages are discussed as well but it's too early to announce them. Download the bloodthirsty mod from this moddb site. Create a new folder and extract the.rar file to this folder. Open the zzz_bloodthirsty_zzz.iwd file using 7zip. Right-clicking on the.iwd file and choosing 'open with 7zip' works as well. Locate the folder titled 'weapons,' right-click on it, and then click on delete. Next, locate the folder titled 'sound' and click on it.

Lems Ping Pong Box Rarest. Find a file inside of the sound file titled 'music.' Delete the music file. Deleting these two files will prevent corruption and glitches during gameplay. (Optional)To remove bloodthirsty's menu background, open zzzzbloodthristyzzz with with winrar/winzip, go to folder images, and delete file called background_american_w.iwi 7. Drag and drop the zzz_bloodthirsty-zzz.iwd file into the Call of Duty 2 main folder in the same location as the Back2Fronts mod. Now, start the game.

I don't recommend loading a save though. I got an error the first time because I tried loading a save from where I left off last. Start any level from the very beginning. This has worked for me so far on everything for every single level. It's a lot more fun with B2Fs and it just made COD 2 even better. Open the console command with '~' in the main menu and type: com_hunkMegs 512 Then, press enter. The mod will not work if the hunkMegs is set on 200.

You must set it at a number greater than or equal to 512. You also must have at least 1024 megabytes of RAM available on your PC as well. You can also do this through the configuration notepad in the COD files, but it might take awhile to find com_hunkMegs 512. If it's taking too long, press control and F in the configuration file to pull up the text search and type 'hunkMegs' to find it.