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00 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Please check 🙂 (From Jan 3, 2009 to Present) 3. Unfortunately, the story didn’t end with, so I had to write and write. You can find them in too. As time passed, Music and Politics started to merge into one story, Bimbo-Battle, which was born in Chicago but grew up in [Berlin + Jerusalem + the entire Spain] and is now going to end up at Silvio’s La Scala in Barenboim’s Italy. Do you want to check what a similarity can be found in both cases?

Please click this,: 05 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* From (Dec 30, 2008 – Jan 19, 2009) () In America, I was able to survive not because I stuck around Dale Clevenger’s fame-or-teaching-or-whatever-sic, but because I never gave up studying Jacobs-theory. ( couple of days of writings are deleted. Everything is a mere repetition of my old writings. After all, I am done with everybody in Chicago, where no one is proving and will prove Jacobs-theory any more) However, it was while collecting all the disgusting information about Dorit Beinisch that I had to recall this American name again and again. I feel sad but I can promise that Ahron Barak will never accept my willingness to prove his genius ideas.

He will side with this dirtiest b*tch, Dorit Beinisch, even after his death. Just like Arnold Jacobs, who refused to accept the very fact about failure of his legendary fame until his last moment. What’s the difference between Ahron Barak and Arnold Jacobs? The only reason why I wanted to ask Mr.

Jacobs to lead his disciples in a right way, by telling everything, before his death was that I’ve never seen more pure hearts than his American followers. They were unreasonably pure. They looked so naively pure that I wanted to help them, and they only listen to their mentor. Where are they now? None of them will blame their mentor for giving up their professional dream. They will blame their poor talent. For this reason, I feel absolutely NO urge to ask Ahron Barak anything that should exist for the better future of his Jewish State.

How many followers are pure enough to welcome Barak’s new way of life? Even now, they are so afraid of losing all the privileges they used to enjoy. I am just curious. What will happen to Dorit Beinisch’s Banana-Republic after Ahron Barak’s death? Arnold Jacobs passed away in 1998, and it took less than couple of years for no one to recognize who is playing with his theory. A legendary theory should sound legendary, and it was already during his lifetime that everybody was sick of his musician’s trashy sound.

In Israel, everything already looks like ’s Barbie doll and Ahron Barak is still alive. After massacre of Gazan Children during the OCL, won’t be enough.

Additional plan to build the most beautiful gas chamber for Ahron Barak’s disciples will be required. Do I sound like a nut? Where should I post this writing? () 04 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* From (Oct 2 – Dec 19, 2008). () ♥ PART 4, Promotion Canapes ♥ ♥ Dear Labor’s Yechimovich and Meretz’s Gal-On, ♥ Sep 27, 2008 / By Newsweek () The gains by Livni, Speaker of Parliament Dalia Itzik and Supreme Court head Dorit Beinisch are striking by Middle Eastern standards, where only 8 percent of Parliament seats are held by women (and only 14 percent in Israel), according to a new U.N. But the progress is misleading—an “optical illusion” in what remains a “macho society” with a rough frontier mentality, says Israeli historian Tom Segey. () I am curious if any female MK of Labor, Meretz or Likud is interested in the First Time All-Women Troika in Israeli History.

I am only interested in the First Time All-Qualified Troika in Israeli History. As far as I know, Israel still has a long way to go. (Part of this writing won’t appear in this place.

I already wrote too many dirty happenings in the musicians’ world. I just want to focus my writing on Dorit Beinisch.) Except during the early years of elementary school, my student/private life was with all females. I was in trouble when I had to change my baby nephew’s diaper. However, it was only after graduating from college that I started to think of so-called Amazon Kingdom. I was the youngest, who was never born a beauty, and worked like a slave () I am pretty sure that all the Knesset MKs kept wondering my real age, because I frequently sound like one in the age bracket of Pensioners Party.

That’s all because I was ‘trained’ to work with years of years my seniors. (In fact, I was in trouble when American ‘fresh’ male professors, who were merely several years older than me, sounded simply-stupid And I look much younger than my age.) () Females are sweet. They are generous. Female power shines when it reveals maternal instincts. At the same time, females are also jealous. (What do you think is the real reason of my endless analysis?

I am the devil of jealousy, but never born a beauty. I have to analyze and analyze until I am sure that my rival can never make my favorite sound. Then, I am relieved.) To be honest, it is still comfortable for me to talk to females than to males, and I always find that females unite very easily.

They cooperate very well with their female partners in working places. Curiously, this situation works better in a lower-class society. But when you enter the high-class society and especially when the competitive mind becomes a main factor to survive professional situation, the female politics really stinks. Well, in the world of music, when an ugly lady wants to behave like a cat, the story sounds more comical. What about the cases in other worlds?

Am I writing this because I was born and am still living in Asia? () Hillary Clinton () Segolene Royal () Even Mrs Thatcher – the patron saint of achieving women – never called herself a trailblazer for other women and gave all the plum cabinet jobs to men. () Why in the world Dorit Beinisch’s Israel just reminds me of the world of Wagner? At Bayreuth, things suddenly started to sound different after the unexpected death of Gudrun Wagner, the second wife of Wolfgang Wagner.

While collecting and organizing the articles in, I even suspected if Dorit Beinisch has been behaving as Aharon Barak’s mistress. After finding meaningful comment by the Chairman of Haaretz, I was able to draw a clear picture about Aharon Barak’s Israel for the past twelve years. 🙂 From: “But Dorit Beinisch was appointed to the Supreme Court 12 years before she became president, and in 12 years, surprises can happen.” Now, I can clearly say that this is a female who proves the best example of Egocentric Opportunist.

I feel very sorry for Aharon Barak if he still considers himself as the dearest/greatest mentor of Dorit Beinsich: 🙂 Article No. 0: December 21, 2006 / By Haaretz: () That was in March 2003, on the day that, in the opinion of journalist Naomi Levitsky, “the Supreme Court justices rose up against their president.” () At the meeting itself, Beinisch did not talk very much. She had done the work earlier behind the scenes, in discussions with her fellow justices. At the time, she barely wrote any legal decisions; she was too busy working to block Cohen from morning till night. () At the end of that meeting, as Levitsky describes it, “it was clear that most of the justices were siding with Beinisch, the president-designate, and turning their backs on the incumbent president. This was a situation the likes of which had never been seen before in the Supreme Court.

() I knew there had been a major drama in the Nili Cohen affair, and I wanted to investigate it thoroughly. The matter of Nili Cohen was less interesting to me that the transfer of power. Three and a half years before the changing of the presidents there was an exchange of power, and that is something that fascinates me.” () Barak, who heard from Okon about the outcome of the conversation, understood that the story was over.

Did Barak understand at that point that his status had declined, that his exclusive hold on the center of power in the Supreme Court had ended? [Levitsky: “I can’t answer that in his place, but I would guess that he understood. At the time he was very hurt. Anyone who met him then could see that he had changed completely. He wasn’t the same person, he had lost some of his vitality.”] () Now, it is a time to read Dorit Beinisch’s life-long professional career. As I wrote in My-Personal-Opinion about Ramon-Scandal in, (please check Jul 15), sexual intercourse doesn’t always explain ‘Promotion Canapes’ in old-fashioned or highly competitive working places.

Why do you think it was a piece of cake for me to pick up certain happenings from the original articles and make another collection in order to explain what a valuable comment Talkbackers posted? The only thing I added was that this was in fact nothing but a bimbo’s favorite trick. I am curious if Dorit Beinisch still uses this trick even after my ‘comical’ involvement.

While organizing Beinisch-articles, I was amazed at the way Beinisch earned her female foes. It was amazing so inferior so childish yet the entire Israel fell under this bimbo’s dirty, cheap spell: 🙂 🙂 The relationship between male and female, especially in professional world, differs from the one between male and male or between female and female. I am talking about the real professionalism. Professional opinions of female/male partners can have quite an influence over her/his male/female partners’ mentality. When it happens in a positive way, the result can be much more productive, simply because GOD created our human species in a different way. Of course, it could happen in a negative way, and we all know what it means.

If Dorit Beinisch really considered Aharon Barak as her true mentor, rather than a subject of ‘Promotion Canapes,’ Aharon Barak could have proved his great LEGAL ideas more and more as he got older and older for the past twelve years. He could have found himself as the greatest Jurist in Israeli history after his retirement, along with his dearest friends Amnon Rubinstein and Daniel Friedmann. That’s professional female junior/partner/senior’s power, which shines more when it reveals maternal instincts. A great female knows Human Rights better than her male partner does. I am curious if Labor’s Shelly Yechimovich really took others’ kids as her own whenever she made something political decision.

Now, I clearly know the highest price to save Still-Alive-Schalit was Labor’s great achievement: 🙂 🙂, which is part of 🙂 Meanwhile, why do you think I never give up insisting that Bibi’s Glick is married to Jerusalem attorney? In the world of female professionals, there was no exception: 🙂, which is part of 🙂 in my I promise. I will collect ALL the possible articles on this issue, DORIT BEINISCH toward/during/after YITZHAK RABIN’s ASSASSINATION. We’ll see 🙂 ♥ Citizenship Law ♥ () By the way, did Aharon Barak oppose Prof. Ruth Gavison’s Supreme Court nomination? Where was Dorit Beinisch while her mentor was busy at his Gavison-job, especially after her betrayal of Barak in March 2003?

Has she been in Australia to run Kangaroo court? For twelve years, I mean. 1942) is merely three years older than Gavison (b.

How was Aharon Barak able to form his firm belief against Three-Years-Beinisch’s-Junior more and more as he got older and older? Just out of curiosity.

Because for a LEGAL novice like me, Human Rights in this area doesn’t differ from Human Rights in that area. Human Rights is nothing but Human Rights. Because for a mere FEMALE like me, Ruth Gavison looks far superior to Dorit Beinisch, even at the first glance. And then, whenever I think of Human Rights, I find Aharon Barak more from Gavison than from Beinsich. I feel that Aharon Barak’s genuine ideas will shine more if through Gavison’s ‘systematic agenda.’ Perhaps, it’s because I am a musician, who has a heart only and no brain:: () Barak has an extremely well-developed view of the court’s proper function. In a nutshell, it is that the court should be the arbiter of every major political and social issue.

As he explained in a 1992 article, “in my eyes, the world is filled with law. Every human behavior is subject to a legal norm. Even when a certain type of activity – such as friendship or subjective thoughts – is ruled by the autonomy of the individual will, this autonomy exists because it is recognized by the law There are no areas in life which are outside the law.” () But then, it was Supreme Court, which violated its LAW. 🙂 From: NO Talkbacks Allowed: () A JUDGES ELECTION COMMITTEE MEETING ON THE APPOINTMENT OF THREE NEW SUPREME COURT JUSTICES descended into farce when the current justices, including the court’s president, Dorit Beinisch, claimed that the committee no longer had the authority to choose new judges, saying that the current government had a transitional status. The other committee members, including Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann and Environment Protection Minister Gideon Ezra, turned to Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz to ask his opinion on the matter. Mazuz came into the meeting room and explained that the COMMITTEE DID INDEED HAVE LEGAL AND JUDICIAL AUTHORITY. NEVERTHELESS, THE JUSTICES DISAGREED AND THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED.

Now, everybody knows why I used to call IT a Bimbo-Battle. According to the rule of this bimbo-battle for the last ten years, Dorit Beinisch and her followers, including politicians, will trumpet more and more about Aharon Barak’s genuine ideas while ‘destroying’ EVERYBODY/EVERYTHING INSIDE/OUTSIDE their. And then, I would have to appreciate NOTHING about this great Jewish Jurist and just stick to. Because it will rather become a shortcut toward protecting Real Human Rights. (Updated on NOVEMBER 15, 2008) 🙂 From 🙂 From 🙂 (Please click this to click the exact title again.) On November 6, 2008, the COURT Released Federman and Clashes on Farm continue and will continue. So, is this how NOT ONE settlement outpost has been taken down since 2006?

Meanwhile, ANOTHER INCIDENT happens so HOW MUCH MONEY the SETTLERs will lose UNTIL they are forcibly and finally evicted? Cold winter is coming, and they have NOTHING to lose. Dear Guys what kind of reaction do you expect from those poor folks? FUNNY it is none but DORIT BEINISCH, who echoes JM DANIEL FRIEDMANN that it is not a job of Supreme Court. The article says, “The court has made it clear that the dispute over ownership must be resolved in district court.” Then, how many YEARs the SETTLERs should be lost between District and High Court? 🙂 From Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that such remarks are unacceptable and called for quick action to punish those responsible.

He emphasized that there was an embarrassing forgiveness towards those same people in the courts and added that the law-enforcement authorities cannot abide the fact that this undermines the authority of the state over its citizens. FUNNY after playing the greatest role to support Dorit Beinisch all behind the scenes and then even in public streets, Labor’s EHUD BARAK starts blaming WHOM?

🙂 From 🙂 Please check NOVEMBER 8, 2008. BUT THEN, what about all those poor PALESTINIANs? I believe that any Palestinian issue inside Israel should be handled case by case. My problem is HOW LONG and HOW MUCH those poor folks should waste until Supreme Court decides something for-or-against them. Now that I begin to understand the simple fact; what a terrific job Beinisch’s Supreme Court has been doing How long will it take for this Israeli Queen to drive her Jewish people into the SELF-DESTRUCTION and how many collections will I have to make until this moment? THERE WILL BE MORE already too tired!

♥ STILL on NOVEMBER 15, 2008, ♥ (Notice: Daniel Barenboim is now 2008-1942 years old.) I keep saying that I don’t want to meddle in Israeli Election and that I just want to work to prepare EVERYTHING for PM Netanyahu and his Nationalist-Government.: Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court judges are asking for an investigation and disciplinary action against Magistrate’s Court president Edna Bekenstein after negative remarks she made about other judges. The judges are requesting Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch () The Courts Administration said Beinisch “expressed regret at the remarks against the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court, judges who are doing their work faithfully.” The Courts Administration also said that a temporary substitute for Bekenstein would be taken under advisement soon.

() “The appointment of Judge Keidar was made by President Bekenstein alone,” the Courts Administration said in response to Bekenstein’s decision. Keidar’s appointment, without consultation or coordination with the Courts Administration and Supreme Court President Beinisch, as would be expected regarding one of the central posts in the judicial system, raised hackles among the judges. This scandal is just another story between Magistrate’s Court president Edna Bekenstein and Dorit Beinsich. Their original story appears in 🙂 WHY in the world I have to recall all the trashy happenings during this more-than-10-year-long Bimbo-Battle again and again? This is what I wrote in: “() DEAR FEMALE READERs, () By the time DORIT BEINISCH succeeded in torpedoing the appointment of Prof. NILI COHEN, YECHEZKEL BEINISCH also succeeded in having me give up my ten-year long computer work.

By the time DORIT BEINISCH was able to beat Prof. RUTH GAVISON, I resumed this computer work. But it was to send my farewell message to.

I couldn’t die without finishing this dirty business, but it was an impossible hope. So, I started writing the real names of all the characters in this dirty story and promised to meet them again in my next life. Or I could let my ghost chase them even after their death. You know the rest of this story. And this time, the subject is neither ME nor Barenboim’s Angels, but DORIT BEINISCH, the president of Supreme Court of Israel. I just can’t believe my eyes whenever I search for more information on Beinisch’s rivals.

I hope both esteemed female jurists to take advantage of this writing and to win what they deserve. ()” Still now, I don’t mind mentioning ALICE CLEVENGER to openly insult this bimbo of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. However I just hate mentioning another female name, the President of International Horn Society. She was a female musician, who made her professorship all by herself. From the very beginning, I didn’t want to study with her, who had no clue how to teach Clevenger’s very-private student. Nor did she want to teach me.

Dale Clevenger made the entire story possible, and then he even enjoyed all the follow-up stories, no matter how dirty they were, because he seemed to believe that it would eventually prove the simple fact that Dale Clevenger was the best horn player in the world. Still now, all my insulting this female professor is based on her political behaviors after my farewell to her music school. Despite all my feelings, despite the very fact that I was dying inside myself more and more as the story continued, I just couldn’t openly mention her name FOR YEARS.

How many more-inferior female musicians were waiting for me to criticize their senior rival? There were burning desires in their green eyes and I couldn’t join them. It was all after I gave up everything that I started writing her real name in this open place. I am now wondering. Is this why Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann, who was a former dean of, rather wanted to quit his involvement in the 18th Knesset? Edna Bekenstein, Beinisch’s rival, could be right. There could be another Beinisch living in Edna Bekenstein’s heart.

I know nothing about LAW. I only know that their personalities are different. I assume that if Dorit Beinsich is a typical female, Edna Bekenstein is more like a male-figure.

I also know that in Israel, a mediocre jurist can do her sincere job as the President of Supreme Court. Then what about Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court judges? Anyway, I am not Daniel Friedmann.

I am not a jurist. Nor do I belong to Israeli Legal Bench. Even if Beinisch’s rival is more inferior to Beinisch, her Israel is already close to Self-Destruction.

WHAT should I worry more and WHY should I worry more and more? This is their homeland. I only enjoy watching.

Please keep going. I will enjoy watching more and more. Who would want to join me in the? () ♥ IN SUM, ♥ I WILL TRAVEL ALL OVER THE WORLD AND PLEAD PALESTINIAN RIGHT TO TARGETED KILLING OF DORIT BEINISCH. To be honest, I am NOT interested in whether or not JM Friedmann will be lucky enough to succeed in his reform. I am only interested in MY LIFE, and only remember how Beinisch family has been treating me during the past ten years. ( more than ten, to be exact) I promise.

This Bimbo-Battle is only starting. How many human beings will I be able to ‘directly’ contact until I die? 🙂 🙂 🙂 ABOVE will be my life-long project.

Therefore, I will contact as soon as possible, after PARTLY FINISHING this work. How many professional musicians, who never/only wants to play with Waltraud Meier, will be able to receive my invitation? 🙂 The President of Israeli Supreme Court is welcome to believe that our musicians have no brain. Even now, how many so-called musicians are willing to travel all over the world to prove that classical music has a power to fool intelligent human being? The audience all over the world, including all the human rights groups, which know nothing about the existence of my, will answer Dorit Beinsich with a standing ovation. That’s a power of music, in which Hitler’s Nazism firmly believed in.

The only difference between Jewish Beinisch and German Hitler was that this Jewish-Blood has NO ear while German-Blood had the best ear to pick up a real music to propagandize Nazi ideology. Therefore, German Hitler was able to reach human hearts all over the world, while Jewish Beinisch should be very careful to search for Bashkirova’s audience, who should be Jewish-only or No-ear or Fame-seeker. Poor Beinisch. Poorer Jews As I wrote in, no matter how much I learn good things about Israel or Germany, no matter how much I want to become a part of Jewish or German history, and no matter how much I want to join Jewish or German blood, I won’t be able to change my identity. Simply, I was not born like that.

Even now, the fact that I have to work, work, and work hard only to preserve sparkling beauty of Jewish or German heritage is pissing me off. What I feel funny while reading all the articles about Dorit Beinisch is IT ‘SEEMS’ THAT ill qualification of Dorit Beinsich as the Court President was a ‘specific(?)/general(!)’ feeling even inside the Supreme Court:: () Cheshin has this to say about attempts to change the system under which seniority is used to determine the president of the Supreme Court. “Malicious people are raising these ideas,” he says, “only because of [Justice Dorit] Beinisch.

Whoever raised the seniority question wants to subject Beinisch to a targeted assassination because of a personal vendetta. It is posing as a normative proposal but it is actually a personal proposal to screw Beinisch. There are so many reasons for the president to be the most senior justice, but that does not interest anyone. () () ♥ PART 5 ♥ () 🙂 WHAT A HARD JOB IT IS TO CREATE &!!! (Please check my ) While having been updating since MARCH 10, 2008, my honest feeling was that I wanted to butcher this Jewish Pig, Benjamin Netanyahu until something happened to me. 🙂 From 🙂 Please check September 29, 2008 I had to accept the real face of Israel.

When I started to feel that I am not reading the Jewish articles but a cheap COMIC-Book, in which human life could be handled as a mere toy, I could accept everything. Then, there were something more. This writing started on October 2 and I found the two articles on the same day, on October 24. As I wrote before, (somewhere in my ), the Haaretz tried to hide Mehta’s article and it was a secret message to Beinisch’s Secret Society that Daniel Barenboim will anyway behave under Mehta’s detailed instruction. Oct 21, 2008 / By Haaretz () “Daniel Barenboim does a lot in that area,” he adds, “but he has support from the government of Spain and Andalusia, where there is a dream of reviving the Golden Age when Jews and Muslims lived together.” () “It’s hard to believe how much money there is in this country. It’s endless.

I would have no problem getting $150 million to build the new auditorium, I have a list of people who can pay for it. I could similarly find a donor to pay $80 million to have the auditorium named after him; there are quite a number of people for whom that sum is negligible.” Oct 24, 2008 / By Haaretz Editorial () But what strengths will Meretz have at those elections? Its consent to serve in a government with Daniel Friedmann as justice minister? That is a clear prescription for completely disappointing the party’s voters () In less than two years, Friedmann has caused serious damage to the legal system in general, and to the status of the Supreme Court and its president in particular. He makes every effort to slander them, he has made their daily administrative functioning intolerable and he has brought about unprecedented politicization in a place that once was mostly free of it.

Friedmann is directly responsible for the declining public confidence in the legal system, and it is regrettable to see that Livni does not understand the extent to which he is endangering Israeli democracy and the rule of law. () Meretz is completely justified in joining the government only if it receives a mandate to repair the Friedmann era’s serious damage () Only under such circumstances can the justice minister, along with the Supreme Court president, take steps to develop the legal system and improve its service to citizens. Without this mandate, Meretz is better off outside. Then, what about this? () 03 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* From (Sep 10-18, 2008). This Bimbo-Battle is only starting.

In Israel, the worst story still didn’t happen. Please check how President of Israeli Supreme Court, who claims to be a Guardian Angel of Human Rights handled MY LIFE for the past ten years and then Jerusalem Festival 2008 after my LEGAL involvement. Then, it’s easy to figure out how she behaved toward and after Jerusalem 2006, which was to celebrate her appointment to Israeli Queen. Whoever she is, no matter how high her IQ is, bimbo was a bimbo: 🙂 From 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Story keeps going and I keep collecting articles. (Please check in my ) Who will become Dorit Beinisch’s successor? In a story like ‘When Bimbo Got Power,’ bimbo’s male followers usually stink more.

Now that my work in FACEBOOK started, everybody can count how many Jewish members join the club. Acer Aspire One D257 Wifi Drivers Windows 7. Whatever their decision is, it is basically none of my business. This is their homeland: 🙂 From 🙂 Perhaps, I should post this photo, too. This is a real disgusting one, in which One Black B*tch was officially introduced as Barenboim’s Mistress on May 30, 1984. This is however before my computer work, and I used to feel pity on mental degeneration of du Pre’s ‘dying’ husband: Israelite: () Unlike certain Famous Conductors who were too busy with their mistresses to spend any time by their wives’ deathbed. Not-Jew: Such as a certain wife who played the cello really, really, really well?

Israelite: If you mean the certain wife who played the cello really, really, really well *before* she was on her deathbed, yes, that’s one famous example. I guess it says something about me that such behavior bothers me a lot more than something like playing Wagner in Israel. Not-Jew: I find that pretty mean, too, but what business is it of ours? It’s their private life. Israelite: I made no particular effort to find out the information, but once I had the information, I cannot deny that it colored my attitude toward the individual under discussion (far more than his naive political views ever did). (From Google-Group, and therefore, part of ) Then, this same Bashkirova, who used to be introduced as Kremer’s former ensemble partner in Germany during the 90’s, appears again in Barenboim’s CNN, and this time, as a Jewish Muse and Berlin Queen after stealing all my hard working. Please check the end of this show; not Bashkirova’s interview but Barenboim’s ‘flirting’ with this b*tch.

It was all planned moments by camera man. By then, I almost gave up AGAIN, but then it made me work, work, and work: (Can anyone please update Youtube with this one?) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Weirdly enough, happenings in Israel never betray nature’s order. This is why Dorit Beinisch desperately needed Barenboim’s international fame inside and outside Israel. Only Labor’s Barak and Dorit Beinisch were able to avoid death threat from Jewish terrorists while Barenboim and Folks suffered.

Now, this Russian whore introduces herself AGAIN as Kremer’s PRESENT(?) ensemble partner in German Jewish Society. So, I am going to SPAM the ENTIRE GERMANY. This Bimbo-Battle is only starting.

And then, this word ‘WHORE’ to define Kremer’s second ex was originally not from me but from the Russian Jew, perhaps, according to the poster’s name: (July 12, 1999) Daniel Barenboim, Chicago Symphony Orchestra Director, married Russian musician, Galina Bashkirova. But of course, she isn’t really musician, but a whore.

(From Google-Group, and therefore, part of ) () 🙂 OF COURSE, EVERYTHING WAS UP TO BARENBOIM. BUT THEN, BARENBOIM IS THE ONLY REASON? 🙂 Toward/since Dorit Beinisch’s appointment as President of Israeli Supreme Court, Bashkirova and Meier have literally been ruling Barenboim’s Staatskapelle/Lindenoper. Even in this situation, however, there were members who didn’t join the circle. They had to learn how to survive without supporting them. What they received in return was NO Barenboim and therefore NO fame. Outside Lindenoper, there were Wagner-lovers, who didn’t listen to Barenboim because they thought voice meant everything.

Most of Barenboim’s fans went to Barenboim because they gave up golden era of Wagner Musicdrama. Everything is case by case. It’s just personal taste and talent.

First of all, Barenboim usually does nothing, knows nothing. This guy only knows when to stand on the stage to ask his members to play, and how to answer the journalists. In any case, Barenboim can never become a sole reason.

In most cases, those pigs blocked all the ways to Barenboim, so that only selected people have access to this famed maestro. 🙂 HENCE, I AM PLANNING SOMETHING ANOTHER.

IT WILL BE POSTED IN 🙂 () 02 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* From in my (From May 28 to September 2, 2008). () FIFTH OF ALL, (on JULY 10, 2008 14:30, but Draft was posted on JULY 8, 2008 15:00) () ♥ PART 6, Human/Women’s Rights / Bimbo-Battle ♥ () 🙂 DEAR FEMALE READERS, 🙂 JIWON: Should I thank Ehud Barak for provoking my anger? Without his betrayal, I would have never dared to start this research. May I introduce myself again? Please check No matter what, I couldn’t die without finishing this dirty business. If you check in my, the first message dated back to 2005 or 2006, up to the situation. By the time DORIT BEINISCH succeeded in torpedoing the appointment of Prof.

NILI COHEN, YECHEZKEL BEINISCH also succeeded in having me give up my ten-year long computer work. By the time DORIT BEINISCH was able to beat Prof. RUTH GAVISON, I resumed this computer work.

But it was to send my farewell message to. I couldn’t die without finishing this dirty business, but it was an impossible hope.

So, I started writing the real names of all the characters in this dirty story and promised to meet them again in my next life. Or I could let my ghost chase them even after their death.

You know the rest of this story. And this time, the subject is neither ME nor Barenboim’s Angels, but DORIT BEINISCH, the president of Supreme Court of Israel. I just can’t believe my eyes whenever I search for more information on Beinisch’s rivals. I hope both esteemed female jurists to take advantage of this writing and to win what they deserve. NILI COHEN and Prof. RUTH GAVISON, however, I am not that intelligent, and money is still enough for me.

I thank for helping me to write in this open place. Ever since American professor/b*tch instructed me to contact a psychiatrist, who left his sickish voice on my answering machine, I’ve been checking my face in the mirror every morning to check if I really became insane. I am curious. What if all the females involved in this story check their faces in the mirror every morning? What will their eyes look like? How will their smiles sound like?

Why do you think, in the novel, “Harry Potter,” the characters of Harry’s/Ron’s/Draco’s mother Lily/Molly/Narcissa, Professor McGonagall/Umbridge, Journalist Rita Skeeter, and Voldemort’s Bellatrix had to be dressed in female’s costume while Harry’s father James, Kreacher’s boss Regulus, Minister Fudge, Severus Snape, and Tom Riddle had to appear as male characters? A female novelist created all those human characters, but her book sill lacks Beinisch’s favorite dirty method, which but is in fact one of typical tricks of male chauvinist’s favorite bimbo, perhaps because it is written for teenagers. If she writes another novel for grown-up-then-aging Harry Potter, I will be the first one to read her breathtaking description of all kinds of female characters. It would be better if she writes all the characters in real names, starting from Elena Bashkirova. (Collection of articles) 2.

(My mail to Knesset) 3. 6.: Mazuz was a party to the new proposal and supports it. 7.: JM Friedmann has been in office for 18 months now, and has been defeated time and time again. The reforms, the initiatives, the revolutions – they all remained in newspaper ink, wallowing in a sea of insults, barbs and mutual slandering between the minister and Supreme Court justices, between the minister and the state attorney’s people.

JIWON: Who will be the next? Why in the world is the situation exactly same as the one in my story? I used to call it a Bimbo-Battle. Why do you think this mere female pianist, Elena Bashkirova, was able to DESTROY almost all the MAJOR orchestras elsewhere? Starting from Ensemble-Wien-Berlin, ALL the male-chauvinists, including so-called maestros, joined this battle, then NO ONE improved while playing with this historically unique female pianist.

Not only they hilariously proved bottomless failing, they even destroyed the last German sound, which was the only tradition having existed in European music society. Altogether, they destroyed ALL the young talents gathering around them. Curiously, their participation was in exact order. The more inferior, the busier and louder. Why do you think so?

It has been more than ten years. Barenboim’s Angels have never appeared at the forefront, always hiding behind certain male chauvinists or forming the grouping. It was only toward the end of this story when those b*tches directly mention their relationship with Barenboim. This interview was in fact to protect Elena Bashkirova’s Hungarian visit, which was to prepare Beinisch’s Jerusalem Festival 2008, Beinisch’s branja-party to clear his criminal record: Mar 25, 2008 / By Waltraud Meier: “Mit dir ist das wie mit Hand und Handschuh.” This has been a case of Elena Bashkirova.

What will Dorit Beinisch’s case look like? Public Slander? I have a perfect right to mention this name in this music-writing as long as Beinisch’s Jerusalem Festival and Bashkirova’s West-Eastern-Divan-Orchestra shines in Barenboim’s professional history. I even have a Humanly Possible Right to call President of Supreme Israel a B*tch, haven’t I?

() SEVENTH OF ALL, (on AUGUST 24, 2008 00:00) () ♥ PART 1, TIME for NUMBERS ♥ () 🙂 This article led me to make TWO COLLECTIONS about BIBI’s HOW-MUCH and HOW-LONG: 🙂 🙂 I hate this work. Basically, I never want to criticize any Jewish politicians on this subject, including ex-PM Barak or Netanyahu. I know what a different life western men of wealth used to enjoy. (I saw both male and female cases of K. Immigrants who happened to join American high class.

Couple of cases ended up as a divorce, because one side couldn’t accept his/her partner’s suddenly-different behaviors, which only reason was to join American luxurious lifestyle. Their lifecycle was unbelievable.) In this story, Diaspora wealthy Jews usually belong to top of top, then it is easy to imagine Knesset MKs’ struggling.

When I realized that the CSO’s music director was willing to save my dying student-life after my Clevenger-fame went into discard, the first thing I did was to pick up du Pre’s recordings. It scared me. It still scares me. When I learned Domingo’s fame standing right next to Barenboim, I felt dizzy. I still don’t want to say Hello to this famed guy.

I was enough happy while I was without this name. Since then, how many international celebrities have joined this story? I hate this situation. Whenever I think of all those famed names, including Ms.

Rice or President Peres or even ex-PM Barak/Netanyahu, I feel like throwing up. I just want to die after finishing this dirty business. I just want to meet Barenboim in person and punch his face. If If I could survive all these situations, the first thing I want to do is to work for ALL the OLD Jewish politicians, who are old enough not to care about their rivals’ political career and therefore just want to spend the rest of their life for the future of Israel. I want to introduce ALL their wealthy friends to Maestro Barenboim, who desperately needs public fund to realize his REAL Mideast vision. How much have I respected Jewish Journalist, especially? Now, I feel like being lost.

All these articles, from Ramon’s case to Olmert’s and even to Bibi’s, make me sick: 1. (JIWON: I am not talking about the content. I am talking about the title. Was the Haaretz tabloid?) 2. (Please check on this issue.) Now, this is for EVERYONE who is involved in this dirty story. Please raise your hand if you can remember all the details of what has been happening in your life for the past fifteen years. I am the one, who stuck to the computer and recorded ALL the happenings during almost fifteen years.

But still, I frequently suffer lack of memory. I hope ALL the Diaspora Wealthy Jews, who are interested in pouring their money into the Jewish-State, and therefore wasting their lifelong hardworking on Politician’s LIES about Zionism, to find this article. 🙂 Article No.

1: () But his true feelings could be glimpsed in a quiet aside to an American journalist during a break in the proceedings: “For what they’ve done to me and members of my family, I hope God pays them.” By “they,” it is not clear whether he meant Olmert, the PM’s lawyers, the police, the prosecution, the media or perhaps all of them together. “And after all I gave to this country, and the institutions I helped to build,” he added. X is not one of America’s wealthiest Jews, but he is certainly part of that group that comes to Israel twice or thrice a year and stays either in Jerusalem’s best hotels or in luxury apartments in the capital.

All are devoted Zionists who give large amounts of money to Israel themselves and solicit large contributions from others. Often, they have children living here. Yet they themselves remain observers, protected from the country’s troubles by their money and their American citizenship. But for X, that protection has evaporated in recent months. He has suffered exhausting and intrusive attention from law enforcement agencies, the media and, to a large extent, the entire Israeli public.

And it reached its peak during his cross-examination. () JIWON: Then, please compare this happening with what has happened to private life of Dorit and Yechezkel Beinisch, and their daughter for the past fifteen years: 🙂 It was on Jun 15 when I finished writing my personal opinion on Ramon’s case, 🙂.

Now, while searching for one lost article, I find this weird article,. How many articles should I read more? See I am not the only one. If I were in her shoes, I would follow this dirty business until everything comes out of clouds. I would do everything to protect my kids. It has nothing to do with my relationship with Ex. There is someone behind this dirty story.

I’ve hardly seen more dirtier story than this one. If someone is not Dorit Beinisch, this whole process will help her to restore her dignity. () ♥ PART 2, TIME for BIBI’s PORN-VIDEO ♥ () One of Bibi’s favorite words to attack the present government was ‘IMPOTENT’ Olmert. Therefore, I am going to give this word BACK to Mr.

It was before finding articles about BIBIGATE when I suspected if Mr. BIBI was becoming impotent husband. Which one is worse? Adulterer husband or impotent husband? Could you please read first part of my writing again, THIRD OF ALL on June 20, 2008? I wrote everything from mental weakness to physical training, including Hebrew porn. Please check Bibi’s recent image and behaviors.

His face is getting plump. (Not to mention his physical shape, which golden proportion Bibi used to boast during his heydays) He talks too much. This is a typical symptom of impotent guy, who still wants to draw attention from female partners.

I am telling this from my lifelong experience. (sic!) Well, I am just suspecting. How can I know the truth? *.* So one of my wishes was to run Sex-Clinic right next to the Orchestra Hall. (I’ve frequently written this while mentioning my Jacobs-theory) It will be my honor if Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu becomes the most important customer to help my business. ^.* IT’S FUN TO WRITE THIS. NOW, TIME TO GO BACK TO THE FIRST PART OF THIS WRITING: Confucius, he said “Do not do unto others, what you would not want others to do to you.” I wrote.

The louder adviser suddenly made bigger complaint. () Advising or even insulting the other side is easy. Criticizing competitors is easier unless it comes up with a better solution. () I must tell this simple fact.

Wherever I went, whatever I did, and whoever I encountered, there was no exception.” Now, please check Bibi’s big mouth and then his reaction. Is there better example to prove my lifelong experience? This article is 🙂: Article No. 3: Of course, how can I miss the golden opportunity to introduce DM Barak’s case?

Since it sounded so funny, I moved it into this collection, 🙂: Article No. And () LAST OF ALL, (on SEPTEMBER 1, 2008 00:00) () This is Beinisch’s puppies working in:. This group was created when my computer work started to get on the track, right before. They were preparing Jerusalem 2008: 1.

Dori and Yechezkel Beinisch’s Jerusalem Festival has been a special event to clear Yechezkel Beinisch’s criminal(?) record. (I have a perfect right to call it ‘criminal.’ Please check Haaretz.

How did they treat Ramon’s sex-scandal? It also has been a salon party for the several Jewish families, whose members can’t keep their professional business without Barenboim’s yearly visit to Jerusalem.

All they had to do was to show ‘packed’ hall to Barenboim. After my official mailing to Dorit Beinisch,, Yechezkel Beinisch updated his homepage with the most sickish information, which article was in fact an answer from Chicago:. When I announced Dorit Beinisch about my plan in, the members resumed their work, but this time in another Barenboim-Group,. And: It was after my report about Dorit Beinisch on July 8. (See above, FIFTH OF ALL.) What does it mean? Is it possible without a secret-deal between Dorit/Yechezkel Beinisch and Zubin Mehta, who has been working for Beinisch’s Jewish Branja Circle? IPO’s Zubin Mehta will answer me if he is not the one.

Please check IPO’s performance schedule in recent years. This is how this special event was able to draw public attention when a normal chamber music festival can’t sell its tickets in Israel. Meanwhile, Maestro Barenboim slammed Israel after reading my report about Dorit Beinish and PM Olmert’s planned resignation: Barenboim said, “They are negotiations between a weak Israeli prime minister and a Palestinian president who does not speak for most of his people. They are not negotiating over disputes about oil, water or borders.” Barenboim believes that progress can only be made in reaching a Middle East peace agreement when both parties to the conflict have an understanding of the other side’s history. “We are doomed or blessed to live together or next to each other. When that is accepted by both sides then we can start a dialogue,” he said. It was during/after that Barenboim wrote: “JIWON: While reading Beinisch-scandal, I realized why classical music was dead in Barenboim’s Israel long ago.

Classical music was meaning nothing but hypocrisy of the royal family. Not to mention a boring sound.

Europe will soon follow Israeli case. () Could you review Sir Rattle’s BPO’s performance schedule 2009 with the information I provided above?” 7. Everything was a planned event and Barenboim should not betray his performance schedule.

After Beinisch’s Jerusalem Festival 2008, Dorit Beinisch will proudly prove that not Knesset MKs but her family is the innocent victim. The president of Israeli Supreme Court will confirm that Barenboim was the one, who was fooling the entire Israel and Middle East as well. As usual, Dorit and Yechezkel Beinisch will use this happening in the opposite way as they did when Muti’s Chicago answered my official LEGAL mail,. As a matter of fact, these are not the only happenings during my ten-year-long computer work. One interesting article from Haaretz: 🙂 (Please click this to click the exact title again.) The Supreme Court justices are a varied group.

Yet despite this, for nearly 60 years, there was no debate over the suitability of the justice “whose turn had come” by virtue of being the longest-serving; he was simply elected president. The assumption that anyone worthy of being a Supreme Court justice could also be president of the court proved to bejustified.

Granted, the Judicial Appointments Committee, which selects Supreme Court justices, influences who the justice “whose turn will come” in the future will be. But Dorit Beinisch was appointed to the Supreme Court 12 years before she became president, and in 12 years, surprises can happen. How Barenboim’s article/behaviors were used by Beinisch’s members to fool Barenboim’s real fans? Part of members come from German ensembles, which were subsidized by German Government. I will contact German Chancellor and Berlin Mayor on this subject.

If they refuse my request and support their participants in this Israeli political event, it simply proves that German Government has been behind the scene to topple the present government, and will do again whenever Israel starts her Peace Negotiation with Palestine. Not long ago, they wanted to help Hamas: 🙂 9. Weirdly enough, happenings in Israel never betray nature’s order. Please check the information below. This is why Dorit Beinisch desperately needed Barenboim’s international fame inside and outside Israel. Only Labor’s Barak and Dorit Beinisch were able to avoid death threat from Jewish terrorists while Barenboim and Folks suffered: 🙂 🙂 (Collection on September 25, 2008) 🙂 (Click this to click the exact title again, please.) 🙂 (Click this to click the exact title again, please.) 🙂 () Dorit Beinisch and her grilled Knesset MKs to investigate their so-called-corruption during the past 15 years.

I can also do this. I did this computer work for more than ten years, with no hope in my heart. I will soon finish my business with Barenboim, then I can start another decade-long work, this time with my brain fully charged. I only need money. Beinisch’s members kept using Barenboim’s images/photos to run their family business.

Maestro Muti won his legal battle with La Scala in this case. Beinisch’s members destroyed Barenboim’s EVERYTHING, from his professional career to his Mideast Vision. They even destroyed local business of the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra.

TIME TO START MY FACEBOOK WORK. HOW MANY MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE MY INVITATION? 🙂 (My mail to Knesset) 🙂 (FACEBOOK GROUP) This is the most effective way I’ve ever thought of. Will handle my work as ‘spamming’ again?

Last time, I didn’t violate its rules, so I was happy when they helped my tired schedule. I just hope ALL Barenboim’s fans to send their message directly to Daniel Barenboim,.

It will be like this: “Dear Maestro Barenboim. You Are Born a Greatest Musician. Don’t Join Beinisch Family.

Save Israel and Palestine. Help Them to Rediscover Jewish/Palestinian Values. Help Them to Strengthen Jewish/Palestine Mentality, Please.


() God allowed our human being MUSIC. MUSIC has a power to affect our human hearts. It can lead us into either heaven or hell.

If Barenboim wants to start his MUSIC-project in Palestinian State, it should exist to unite voters’ mind and lead them into the better place. It should exist to strengthen Palestinian Mentality, which is toward Palestinian State. MUSIC has a power to destroy it, in the name of sentimentalism.

Barenboim should NOT let it happen. We must find a way to use IT in the most effective way. I am pretty sure that Jewish Pigs have already forgotten what Palestinian Mentality sounds and looks like. Please check my mail to Knesset,, and find the article written by the wife of former President of Birzeit University: (4 – 10 September 2003) No ordinary concert BY Tania Tamari Nasir: THE REST OF THIS WRITING WILL BE FINISHED IN 🙂, which is a part of 🙂 () 01 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* From (From May 28 to September 2, 2008). () This is what I know about Mozartwoche 2006-2009: 1. In Barenboim’s Israel, Bashkirova’s Mozartwoche 2006 was not to celebrate Mozart’s 250th birthday.

It was in fact to celebrate Dorit Beinisch’s appointment as President of Supreme Court of Israel. (Please check in. Also check or in my.) (). 🙂 >10 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Please check 🙂 (Jul 16, 2009) 09 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* (Updated on FEBRUARY 3, 2009) JIWON: I’ve also been collecting all the articles about Music in Israel, but feel no need to post anything except the ones below. Israel is a country of International Festivals, which are devouring all the working condition of local orchestra members. How many chamber music festivals are found in this small place?

No one has time to go to the symphonic concerts. And then only selected members of Zubin Mehta’s special society enjoy luxurious life and they don’t live in Israel. They only sell their Jewish fame either to their Diaspora Sponsors or to International audience. Simply, there are too many music schools in Israel. In this situation, two music school already means too many unemployed professionals. Local orchestra members can’t beat international participants in international chamber music festivals, which offer their X-rated music for nothing. BUT THEN, Israel is also where one can find the purest human hearts and souls.

JUST When the Jewish Patriot Daniel Barenboim is going to smell the exact atmosphere of his country? 2.: Latet organization warns humanitarian aid network could collapse in 2009. Feb 3, 2009 / By Haaretz 4. Oct 21, 2008 / By Haaretz [Q: There are never any Israelis among the new faces.

Why?] – “There always are. In opera roles, for example.” [Q: But not as soloists or conductors in the most important concerts.] – “The bitter debate is over the audience.

If you bring Israelis, the audience won’t come. That’s the prevailing opinion.” () Mehta feels that the renovations of Tel Aviv’s Mann Auditorium, and the construction of the square and the parking lot there, have contributed to the decline in subscribers: “The renovations are causing the audience to give up. People have stopped coming because they have no place to park. When it’s finished, the situation will improve greatly, and if we had a new hall, it would be even better. In Los Angeles that’s exactly what happened. A hall with 1,800 seats is what we need, and we would fill it – not like the 2,700 seats we have here, which we have to fill as well as struggling with the acoustics every time.” Mehta is referring to the plan for the Mann Auditorium to undergo a more radical change, which failed because of public opposition. [Q: Renovation also costs money.] – “It’s hard to believe how much money there is in this country.

It’s endless. I would have no problem getting $150 million to build the new auditorium, I have a list of people who can pay for it. I could similarly find a donor to pay $80 million to have the auditorium named after him; there are quite a number of people for whom that sum is negligible.” 08 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* (Updated on JULY 13, 2009) JIWON: Still, it’s hard to understand the exact role or the reason of this institution, Jerusalem Music Center, which is NOT a music school, NOR belongs to the Jerusalem Music School. Anyway, this is what they say; ‘brings together the country’s most outstanding young musicians’ Who are going to train those youngsters?

Bashkirova’s Jerusalem Quartet? Or, who were kicked out of Barenboim’s DIVAN-project? Jul 12, 2009 / By Jerusalem Post The Young Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, which brings together the country’s most outstanding young musicians twice a year, will perform two concerts this month.

Ze’ev Dorman will conduct the players on July 23 and July 24 in Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6 (Pastoral), Ravel’s Bolero and Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet. The orchestra forms for two weeks in which the musicians live and work together under the auspices of the Jerusalem Music Center.

Professional musicians join in training the novices. 07 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* May. 14, 2009 / By Jerusalem Post, Carl Hoffman Music must rank as the highest of the fine arts – as the one which, more than any other, ministers to human welfare – Herbert Spencer Even if you were deaf and could not hear them, the very sight would amaze you. There is something awe-inspiring about upward of 500 musicians – young musicians, at that – seated together on one stage, arranged to form an enormous symphony orchestra. The outdoor stage itself is so vast that you can barely see the faces of the timpani, tuba and trombone players grouped at the orchestra’s farthermost rim. Under a velvet black sky and a moderate breeze, the conductor taps his baton and the music thunders forth – mostly light classical and lively and popular pieces like Leroy Anderson’s “Bugler’s Holiday” and Tchaikovsky’s crowd-pleasing 1812 Overture.

And as for the crowd, there are reported to be no fewer than an estimated 20,000 people here, occupying every available plastic chair and standing wherever there is room to stand. Not your usual symphony audience, they arrive pushing baby carriages and carrying small children on their shoulders; they eat homemade food out of plastic bags and Tupperware containers; they wave and shout greetings to one another, sometimes across several sections of seats; a few of them, mostly elderly, are waltzing in the aisles to the music. A bright moon rises as the night breeze becomes stronger and more chill, the colossal young orchestra plays mightily on, and everyone is having a marvelous time. This is not the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra performing an outdoor concert in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. This is the Israeli Festival of Youth Orchestras, performing in an outdoor plaza in Kfar Saba, as it has every May for the past two decades. The Festival marked its 20th anniversary between May 3-5, with three consecutive evenings of concerts, indoor and outdoor, featuring DOZENS OF YOUTH ORCHESTRAS FROM ALL OVER ISRAEL. The first evening was dedicated to symphony and percussion orchestras from conservatories and music centers throughout the country, and featured a special “all-Israel” symphonic youth orchestra.

The second day saw a “marathon” of youth orchestras playing at Kfar Saba’s Cultural Center, followed by a jazz combo marathon around the fountain at Arim Mall. The festival closed on May 5 with the 500-member orchestra, delighting their 20,000 member audience with a concert that verged upon spectacle, replete with cannon blasts and fireworks. Surprisingly enough, the Israeli Festival of Youth Orchestras was not the brainchild of a musician, but of a doctor, Dr. Shmuel Franco, who conceived and established the event in 1989 and continues to be its driving force.

“Everybody calls me Shmulik!” he said with a smile as Metro caught up with him a couple of hours before the final concert. Indeed, almost “everybody” in Kfar Saba did, as the popular pediatrician exchanged waves and greetings that evening from scores of friends and acquaintances gathered over a lifetime of growing up, living and working in this small city. Aside from the army and his years studying medicine – first in Italy and then in Haifa – Franco, 63, has spent almost all his life in Kfar Saba. And it was in Kfar Saba that Franco first had the dream, more than 25 years ago, of placing a musical instrument in every child’s hands and teaching him or her to play. Is he himself a musician?

“No!” is Franco’s emphatic answer. “My father was in the British Army during the Second World War. When he came back, he schlepped home an accordion. He bought it in Italy. So I learned to play that accordion when I was a boy. Later, when I was 33, I learned to play the piano, and then when I was 44, I learned the saxophone. But a great player I’m not.” Franco is a pediatrician, however, with 20 years of service as a senior physician at Meir Hospital under his belt, followed by 16 years of continuing private practice.

And it was as a specialist in children’s health that Franco discovered the power of music. His moment of epiphany came in 1983, during a trip to Delft, Holland, and a visit with noted music teacher Pierre van Hauwe. “I learned from him the connection between music and the growing child.

I realized for the first time how important music can be to child development,” Franco recalls. From that point on, Franco was determined to create a youth orchestra in Kfar Saba.

After several failed attempts, both on his own and as a member of the city council, Franco founded the Kfar Saba Music Foundation in 1986 in order to “penetrate” the school system and create elementary school orchestras. “Since then,” he says, “we have caused a revolution in music education in Kfar Saba. In every school we have an orchestra, and programs for the first three grades. When the children enter fourth grade, they have a chance to join the orchestra.

We give them the instruments and we organize their studies. So, in every elementary school in Kfar Saba there are two orchestras, one for beginners and one for advanced players. When they finish elementary school, they have an opportunity to enter the conservatory. Of course, not everybody finishes, but you can walk around Kfar Saba and hear a trumpet from here, a clarinet from there.

The idea of the Festival came naturally three years later, because we had so many people playing instruments.” While the 23-year labors of the Kfar Saba Music Foundation, and 20 years of youth orchestra festivals have made Kfar Saba’s residents proud of their “musical city,” Franco says, “We don’t expect, or even want, all of these children to grow up to be professional musicians. It’s just too hard to succeed in that world. But we discover talents. Many of the people who have grown up here have gone on to be famous on television and abroad. What we really want is for all of the children to learn the language of music.” Indeed, for Franco, music has always been mostly a means to an end. “I believe in music education,” he says.

“In just the first few years, you can influence the personality of a child and have a major impact on their life. We have many good things today in Israel, but one major thing that is lacking is discipline. A wonderful part of music is that it provides discipline.

Every child on stage must listen carefully and pay 100 percent attention to the other musicians. He must listen to what is going on, and he must follow the lead of the conductor. He learns that by playing his instrument, he is performing a specialization within a larger system, just like in life.” And it’s not just about discipline, Franco believes. “Music gives a child an appreciation for many other things.

And this is if a child plays even the triangle. What is a triangle?

It’s the cheapest instrument there is. But in an orchestra, it’s a specialization commanding the same respect as a tuba or first clarinet. This teaches mutual respect.

Also, through music, we have had much success with children suffering from attention deficit disorder – ADD or ADHD. Some of the children changed completely – without Ritalin. All the excess energy went into the tuba. Other children, with low self esteem, through the music developed different personalities.” Franco suggests that music education can have broader social implications, as well. “Young people now have too many things to do. They’ve got television, and all the programs and rubbish. So when you put a child into music activities, you are taking him away from the TV.

In fact, you’re taking some of them from the streets. And you’re giving them some positive activity. This is very important from the point of view of management of society.” Franco pauses, smiles and says, “It’s like a kaleidoscope – the many faces of music education.” One of those faces, the annual Israeli Festival of Youth Orchestras, has become a major social and cultural event in its host city of Kfar Saba. Franco explains: “Many people here never go to the concert hall. So we bring the music to the street.

We attract people who normally have little exposure to a musical orchestra. We play special music. We cannot play heavy classical concertos. We play that at other events. But for this, we play music that makes them feel good; that makes them feel connected to the place.

And they are very proud that Kfar Saba can achieve such a level of activity.” Franco’s pride in Kfar Saba is evident. He smiles and says, “I want you to realize what a special place Kfar Saba is.

There is no place like it in all of Israel. Where else could guys like me penetrate the schools and make a revolution in education?” Asked, “guys like what?” Franco immediately replies, “Meshugganers!” Rising from his seat to attend to some last-minute details before the start of the concert, Franco carefully scans the neat rows of thousands upon thousands of empty white plastic chairs. As he hurries off, he stops just long enough to say over his shoulder, “In the early years, I was the one who put out all the plastic chairs.” The Kfar Saba Music Foundation, or Keren Hamusika, is a non-profit foundation devoted to music education. To learn more, visit; Tel. 09-742-1805; or email kerenhamusika@012.net.il. 06 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Feb 1, 2009 / By Haaretz, Noam Ben-Zeev One of the most subversive experiments in the history of Israeli culture came to its end last week.

The Israel Andalusian Orchestra from Ashdod, the unique project that challenged the prevailing Eurocentric musical culture in Israel, has been shut down. Its musicians and other employees, who dared to protest aloud and even go on strike because of their humiliating working conditions, were fired with the wave of a baton after months of struggle. And it was not the Ashkenazi establishment that dismantled the orchestra, but the orchestra’s own management and the Ashdod municipality – including people who were among the founders of the Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Coalition, a social movement of Israeli Jews from Muslim countries, and orchestra founders like director Motti Malka and Ashdod Mayor Yehiel Lasri. Thus did orchestra members from Morocco and from the former Soviet Union all find themselves in the same boat. Both groups are oppressed and silenced.

A look at the other orchestras in Israel shows that the oppression of orchestra members did not begin with – and has not ended with – the Andalusian orchestra. Minimum wage earners (though in the Andalusian they did not make even that much) can also be found in the Jerusalem and Rishon Letzion symphony orchestras, and musicians who supplement their income by working as night watchmen can also be found in other orchestras. All of them have one thing in common: Even though they have devoted their entire lives to developing their art, and even though they have had to excel in order to be accepted into the orchestras, and even though their profession is their way of life, they earn a starvation wage. Ostensibly, the reason for this is simple.

There is no demand in Israeli society today for what orchestras have to sell, so classical music – be it Western or Eastern – that reaches toward profundity and transcends the cultural shallows in which society is wallowing is considered trivial, and funded accordingly. But while the orchestras may seem not to have been getting funding, the Andalusian orchestra actually received NIS 3.2 million a year from the government – more than any other such organization, with the exception of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, and its musicians were said to have earned more than any such musicians in Israel. That money – along with the income earned as it played hundreds of concerts at concert halls and schools across the country – should have caused the Andalusian orchestra to flourish. The question of why the orchestra collapsed under such circumstances remains controversial. () 05 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* JIWON: I don’t mean to criticize anything here.

I just couldn’t understand all the situation in this small place, where so many Russian immigrants are thinking to suicide after finding no-job and musicians were part of them. And then, I also couldn’t understand Israeli public, who always preferred international title.

13, 2009 Jerusalem Post staff, THE JERUSALEM POST The 2009 Red Sea Classical Festival will be held this year from February 26-28 at Eilat’s Hangar, despite the difficult financial situation in the country and the world. Eilat’s mayor, Meir Yitzhak Halevi, approved the transfer of about NIS 1 million to the festival, hoping that it would bring tourists to the southern city. The internationally renowned maestro X will direct the festival, bringing with him 270 musicians, soloists and choir members from Russian. The program includes works by Mussorgsky, Rachmaninoff, Prokofiev and Mahler. 04 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* August 08, 2007 / By Haaretz, Noam Ben-Ze’ev The excitement was palpable at the entrance to Claremont Hall of the Buchman-Mehta School of Music, formerly the Academy of Music, at Tel Aviv University. The seats of the elegant concert hall, together with its balconies and aisles and steps, were chock-a-block two weeks ago with people; on the large stage sat 90 young musicians in festive dress, ready to play all orchestral instruments, including those rarely seen among young musicians – French horns, bassoons, contrabasses, violas and batteries of symphonic percussion instruments.

The first notes of Dvorak’s “Slavonic Dances” resounded in the silence, the most beautiful music heard in the concert halls for a long time. In the same way, Brahms’ Fourth Symphony was performed at the highest professional level, as was Mussorgsky’s virtuoso work “Night on Bare Mountain.” Where did this gigantic orchestra suddenly appear from?

Who are these youths who have so much enthusiasm and whose eyes are filled with joy as they play? The Young Philharmonic Orchestra is a joint venture of the Buchman-Mehta school at the university, directed by Tomer Lev, and the Jerusalem Music Center, under the direction of Hed Sela; and it did not grow from a vacuum: If one takes a few steps back and studies its context, one can distinguish its place among the country’s pyramid of orchestras. For this purpose, one must go further north to the pastoral campus at Givat Haviva near Pardes Hannah where the summer courses of Matan – the Hebrew acronym for Mifal Hatarbut Ve’haomanut Leno’ar (the cultural and artistic project for youth) – are held.

This is where six regional orchestras of string instruments were brought together during July under the batons of six conductors, altogether 80 children from junior high and high schools, and they were later joined by musicians on wind and percussion instruments to form the Matan Youth Symphonic Orchestra. Musicians from the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) and the conductor Barak Tal worked with them from 9 in the morning until 8 at night with two full rehearsals, two separate rehearsals for string and wind instruments, and two rehearsals for groups of the smaller instruments. Every detail was polished, every professional problem was solved, every musical and artistic idea was developed; and together with the curiosity and the enthusiasm of the children, and the natural discipline that was being created in them, this symphonic orchestra came to life. The young musicians have the chance (for most of them for the first time in their lives) to play with a real orchestra. Now the picture of the pyramid of orchestras is nearing completion. At its base are the conservatories, 40 in number, located in various parts of the country and in which children are taught the basics of music.

On the next and higher level, there is Matan, which brings together those who want to play and are suited to playing, elementary orchestral music. The Young Philharmonic, together with academic studies for outstanding students and an excellent continuing education program at the music center, are the next stage; and the apex of the pyramid awaits these students in the future: playing with the IPO or a quality chamber music ensemble such as the Tel Aviv Soloists’ Ensemble or the Jerusalem Camerata. But this is where the pastoral atmosphere ends and the beautiful picture turns ugly – because of an open hole, a threatening one, in this pyramid – a full level that is missing in the top part of the pyramid: between a body like the Young Philharmonic and other projects for outstanding students, and its apex, where one finds the elite orchestras of adults such as the IPO and the Tel Aviv Soloists.

This is the layer of the beginning of professional life at the conclusion of their studies, the stage where the responsibility of the Israeli pedagogic establishment ends and the responsibility of the cultural establishment begins. If these youngsters dare to hold on at this stage to climb higher up the ladder, they will fall because it will collapse beneath them.

If they dare to step on it as they climb higher, to advance, they will tumble. Because what is waiting for them there, at the next stage? Will they join the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, which is being threatened with closure, or the Haifa Symphony, which has already been dismantled and reestablished and is now trying to get back on its feet, or the Ra’anana Symphonette, which plays at every event so that it will remain viable, or the Rishon Letzion orchestra, which is struggling to remain alive? To live on minimum wage, if one is to be paid at all, to play at all kinds of semi-cultural events under a directorship of a “temporary receiver”? Or to join the one of the weaker chamber orchestras suffering under imposed “rehabilitation plans,” whose members – unlike the enthusiastic youngsters who are full of love for music and ready to conquer the world – are disillusioned and bitter?

No, that is not an option. After the excellent education, with its abundant resources, they have received and after they have reached a high professional level, these musicians will not choose artistic suicide. Instead, they will decide to go abroad. Excellent professional orchestras, at the highest level, at the stage before the leading orchestras, await them in Germany, England and the United States; and the audiences abroad are the ones who will enjoy the fruits of their professional studies in Israel. In this way, a shining torrent of the brain-drain is developing here. The challenge lies at the door of the government, which is also responsible, just as it is for education and health, for culture.

Instead of “implementing a responsible and determined economic policy,” a definition that is mere camouflage for doing nothing and placing responsibility on the shoulders of the citizens, as the sociologist Shlomo Svirsky diagnosed it in one of his recent articles: “The government’s responsibility is to rule: to examine the present, to bring options for the future, to set goals and to lead [us] to them. The State of Israel is not a short-term investment,” as Svirsky put it. It has to decide whether there is any need for the society to have musical education and musical performance; if not, then it should close down the orchestras and leave one representative orchestra for the elites, as is done in some of the neighboring countries; but if there is a need, then it must maintain them as needed, revive them and allow them to blossom.

03 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* JIWON: I don’t mean to criticize anything here. In fact, I highly value the organizer of this festival and wanted to compare this with Elena Bashkirova’s trashy events, which were organized by Pigs and filled by their family members, who want to support their family members’ professional career. I wanted to post this article only because it is easy to smell atmosphere around Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra. These local Israeli professional orchestra members just can’t beat international free concerts, starting from Dorit Beinisch and Elena Bashkirova’s International Jerusalem Chamber Music Festival. For them, watching one International festival in their neighbor means losing one-month of salary. 21, 2007 / By Jerusalem Post Beginning tomorrow night, a consortium of mostly European sponsors will treat Jerusalemites to Sounding Jerusalem, two weeks of free chamber music concerts. In contrast to the annual International Jerusalem Chamber Festival, which opens the classical music season every September, this festival takes place in less-likely, less-traditional classical music venues, mostly in eastern Jerusalem and its environs.

Nearly double the size of last year’s inaugural Sounding Jerusalem, this year’s festival will showcase a number of contemporary Western works, some composed specifically for the festival. () It has the support of the European Commission, the U.S. Embassy and a variety of organizations from Austria, Germany and France, and features European, American, Israeli and Palestinian performers.

() Most of the musicians will be arriving for the festival from Austria, and the few Palestinian and Israeli performers were not encouraged to collaborate, despite the fact that participating artists will live and rehearse together at Jerusalem’s Austrian Hospice during the event. Asked why the shows are so distinctly separated, Huetter said that he “would like to have Israeli and Palestinian musicians play together, hug, and say ‘I love you,’ but political realities prevent this from happening. We want to bring music to the people in a neutral environment, so we won’t force performers of different backgrounds to work together.” Huetter has performed in the past with Ramallah-based musical peace projects led by conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim, the founder of an Ramallah-based orchestra composed of young Arabs and Israelis. Although Palestinians and Israelis do play together in Jerusalem, Huetter says this was not the festival’s primary objective. Organizers also express concern that passport issues might hamper attendance at some concerts, with Palestinian and Israeli concertgoers and musicians facing likely difficulties in getting to venues in western Jerusalem and the West Bank. For example, Israeli concertgoers will be unable to attend at least two events, including the festival’s headlining show: a sunrise concert on the Mount of Temptation in Jericho, where tickets include a cable car ride and breakfast (July 6). Despite the accessibility issues, organizer Petra Klose expects to see a diverse audience at every performance – perhaps drawn by the several big-name, mostly Austrian, musicians coming for the festival.

More than 3,000 visitors are expected at the concerts over the course of the festival. All concerts are free of charge, but because a few indoor events have already reached capacity, reservations are recommended. 02 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Mar. 12, 2007 / By Jerusalem Post () Marketing, both local and nationwide, seems to be the only problem of this young festival. The artists, who typically perform for sold-out houses all over the world, this time found themselves in a partially empty hall. 01 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Jun. 22, 2006 / By Jerusalem Post ‘They treat us like parasites,” exclaimed veteran Israeli actor Yoram Hattab.

“As if we were spoiled brats!” Hattab’s anger was directed at the government, and he wasn’t alone. Participants in the Caesaria Conference’s panel on “Economy and Culture,” who gathered Tuesday to debate the government’s role in subsidizing and supporting the arts, frequently criticized the state for its cultural budget allocations – or lack thereof. () culture is the one budget that cannot be diverted or cut for the military. () Israelis – unlike Americans – are not able to deduct charitable contributions from their taxes, and therefore have less of an incentive to do so, placing a greater burden of sponsorship on the state. () “The bottom line,” she said, “is that we simply need more money.”. 04 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* FEBRUARY 2, 2009 Dear FACEBOOK, (privacy@facebook.com; warning@facebook.com; appeals+dwoaduy@facebook.com; privacy+dfodc7x@facebook.com) Thanks for your ‘quick’ reply.

This time, your reply was real quick and I appreciate it. You keep writing ‘behavior that others may find annoying or abusive.’ That’s exactly what I wanted to know whenever I send or post something in FACEBOOK groups.

Especially after you blocked one of my IDs when my message had nothing to do with this; ‘Please ignore my friend-request. Could you please instead’ You know what happened to me after ‘others’ received this message, which you considered a spam. Was it ‘annoying’ or ‘abusive’? I was so surprised at the answer from Israel that I wanted to check other IDs, and it is now impossible, thanks to your meddling in my work, which I started after receiving your hearty permission. Are you talking about ‘Facebook’s Terms of Use’ to mention multiple IDs? I am the one who is tired of taking care of all those same IDs.

But it was all after carefully reading ‘Facebook’s Terms of Use’ that I had to create multiple IDs and how many Daniel Barenboim can you find in this place? Even the administrator of is not Barenboim himself. This ID was stolen and you know who he is but you’ve never disabled this ID no matter what happened to Daniel Barenboim and his professional career. And your inability made me work extra hard which is to prepare better future of Daniel Barenboim, because this guy has been cleverly using Barenboim’s Fan-club to feed his musicians’ professional career.

Now, I’m even not sure of other Barenboim-groups. Please I am not here to criticize any of your rules. I am just too tired to do and just sick of cleaning all the garbage and sh*ts around Daniel Barenboim and their headquarter happened to exist in FACEBOOK. I am just sick of it. Disabling my multiple IDs is OK, but you just multiplied all those garbage and sh*ts in Barenboim’s FACEBOOK by deleting my assignments for Barenboim’s DIVANs. What are you going to do with this problem?

You keep answering me with ‘when you are allowed to resume using this feature, please proceed with caution to avoid reaching the limit again.’ If you were me, would you know how to avoid the limit? This time, I sent two messages, which have nothing to do with Barenboim or Banana-Republic. It was about my cancellation of friend-request, and you blocked it.

Therefore, 1. I am busy at other business now. I have to finish my message to Italian, German government first. Then, I want to contact Israeli ambassador to Korea first. In order to invite all the creator of Jewish and Music groups into my group, I must send the SAME message-or-invitation to every each of them AGAIN. Is there another way? I will send my invitation to the administrators only and are you going to meddle in this work AGAIN?

As you know, I am not a normal member. I don’t have time to chat with all your members here to introduce my group. I know you never blocked all those meaningless chatting. You only blocked couple of my messages. While sending my invitation-message to important figures in your FACEBOOK, I will directly ask them if my Barenboim-message is annoying or abusive. Now, everybody knows all their direct answer will be posted in my Knesset-blog. I need this work with Bibi’s supporters.

Are you going to meddle in this work even before they answer me? You even deleted all my Barenboim-postings in BIBI’s groups. Now I know why. You know what? Right before you meddled in my work, I myself wanted to re-organize my multiple IDs and tried to delete ‘part’ of my old postings because I didn’t want to mess up BIBI’s groups, which were posting too much whenever I post something.

Then, I figured out that even if I delete my ID from BIBi’s group, my old postings don’t disappear, so I was thinking of the old-fashioned way to delete them. Then, you deleted EVERYTHING, including important stuffs, which will undoubtedly help Obama’s administration.

I had today’s plan, which has nothing to do with my mailing business in FACEBOOK. I never had an intention to help Kadima’s Livni. I had things to be done by tonight. In this situation, postponing one day’s work frequently means losing years of achievement.

And you perfectly destroyed it. Since I never violated any of your rules had you just followed my daily plan instead of trying to control it Whenever I think of my previous hard working and how you destroyed it, I can’t help This will be a part of my report to Arab Countries. And I am just curious if this is a real intention of Obama’s administration Please let me know if there is something wrong with it. I am the one who wants to follow all your rules. I want to disable my multiple IDs without your help if it violates your rules.

Hence, next time I contact you again, you must return me ALL my IDs, including old Barenboim-one, or you must disable ALL those disgusting IDs, which pretend to work for Daniel Barenboim but whose groups exist only to violate ALL the moral rules of our human world and Barenboim’s professional career; starting from,, You must also disable all those ridiculous Jewish IDs, who have constantly spreading all BIBI’s liars to the Jewish voters and block them to share the same message that the rest of world have been sharing. Sincerely yours, JIWON P.S.: IF if you consider this writing rude or insulting please forgive me. Blame my poor situation, please. It is never my real intention. Please FEBRUARY 1, 2009 Re: Daniel Barenboim and FACEBOOK.

Why is everything so difficult to understand in FACEBOOK? (appeals+dwoaduy@facebook.com) Hi Jiwon, Please keep in mind that Facebook has these limits in place in order to prevent behavior that others may find annoying or abusive. This means that the subsequent results of exceeding these limits are independent of whether or not you are currently engaging in abusive types of activity. These limits, and the subsequent results of exceeding them, are non-negotiable.

They are also one of the most effective methods of prevention against abuse on the site that we currently have in place. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide additional information about this system. We can only recommend that when you are allowed to resume using this feature, please proceed with caution to avoid reaching the limit again. In the future, if you would like to address the members of your group, please consider using the ‘Message All’ feature, or posting on the group’s wall instead of individually messaging each of the members.

Also, please note that maintaining multiple accounts is a violation of Facebook’s Terms of Use and that violations of this policy may result in the suspension of any or all of your active accounts. Thanks, VJ User Operations Facebook JANUARY 31, 2009 (Daniel Barenboim and FACEBOOK. Do you know how to solve my fundamental problem?) Dear FACEBOOK, (privacy@facebook.com; warning@facebook.com; appeals+dwoaduy@facebook.com; privacy+dfodc7x@facebook.com) As you know, I received warning messages again. This time, you started to meddle in my work, only after sending couple of same messages, then I start to think WHY Though one of my IDs still suffers from ‘BLOCKING’, I now know how to handle it.

If this problem lasts for more than a couple of days, I will let you know. NOW, THIS IS THE REASON OF MY MAILING TODAY. I wanted to prepare better future in case I need to send the same message to ALL my READERs.

I read ALL the rules in FACEBOOK, but there is no way in the world for me to send ONE message to ALL the members unless they join my group,. IF YOU WERE A MERE ISRAELI, WOULD YOU DARE TO JOIN THIS GROUP AS LONG AS DORIT BEINISCH RULES THIS F*CKING BANANA REPUBLIC??? It’s OK that I am NOW contacting every each creator of ALL the Jewish Groups. But what about weeks or months later when I want to send my another message to those same guys?

I requested their friendship, but this relationship won’t solve my fundamental problem as long as I want to follow FACEBOOK RULEs. I am just tired to send the same message again and again. So far the only way is 1. I directly contact every each creator of ALL the Jewish groups. That’s fine with me. Some brave Diaspora Jews will join my Group,.

Whenever I send my message to the members of my Group, they will forward it to all their Israeli friends. But I am not so sure of this work. I am not an employer, and I know what a hard work it is. See how many times do you think I saw bloody stool in the morning toilet while doing this mailing job?

Do you have a better idea? I wrote and wrote that this mailing business to contact Jewish groups are basically NEVER my main interest. I constantly wrote that if FACEBOOK blocks my mailing again, I will immediately QUIT this work and start contacting BARENBOIM-FANs only without violating FACEBOOK RULEs.

Sincerely yours, JIWON P.S.: I am so sick of this endless but meaningless happenings that I decided to post all my previous stories with FACEBOOK in this open place. 03 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* DECEMBER 10, 2008 Re: Daniel Barenboim and FACEBOOK. Why is everything so difficult to understand in FACEBOOK? (appeals+dwoaduy@facebook.com) Hi Jiwon, Facebook has limits in place to prevent behavior that others may find annoying or abusive.

These limits restrict the rate at which you can use certain features on the site. You have received a warning because Facebook determined that you were going too fast when writing on Walls. If you have also been blocked from writing on Walls, please note that these blocks can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Unfortunately, we cannot lift the block for you. When you are allowed to resume using this feature, please proceed with caution to avoid reaching the limit again. Please be aware that the threshold at which you are warned is not a specific number, but rather determined by different factors (such as speed, time, and quantity).

For security reasons, we are unable to provide additional information about this system. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks for your understanding, VJ User Operations Facebook DECEMBER 4, 2008 (5:00) 🙂 From Dear Guys, I am in the middle of talk with the FACEBOOK AGAIN! I just can’t understand what’s going on in this place. Is there a Republican Jew or Pastor John Hagee’s follower among the key people of Facebook, Inc.? Or it’s hard to understand the recent situation. Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that no matter what they say, it’s impossible to work with ONE ID.

And I just hate receiving unnecessary replies from my mail recipients. I will create other IDs, such as ‘Jiwon A Lee’ and ‘Jiwon B Lee’ ‘Jiwon Z Lee.’ Those IDs won’t be able to communicate with the Facebook members.

They will have to visit my Group in order to send their message to my real ID. I will contact 30 members each day using 1 ID. If I use 10 IDs, I can send my message to 300 members a day. I may have to make a complete list of my mail recipients, in alphabetical order.

Or so many people will complain about receiving the same message more than once. It will become a real spam.

Of course, there should be no complaint from FACEBOOK. But I don’t think it will cause any problem in this place. Time will tell.

Sincerely yours, JIWON DECEMBER 3, 2008 (Daniel Barenboim and FACEBOOK. Why is everything so difficult to understand in FACEBOOK?) Dear FACEBOOK, (warning@facebook.com) I received a warming message after posting my message in ‘Benjamin Netanyahu’ group. So, I deleted it and tried to post another one, but it was impossible.

Then, I realized that I got one warning mail from you: Hi, Our systems indicate that you’ve been misusing certain features on the site. This email serves as a warning. Misuse of Facebook’s features or violating Facebook’s terms of use may result in your account being disabled. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any questions, please contact warning@facebook.com from your login email address. The Facebook Team My original posting was like this: In case you guys never heard of my computer work please visit my group, ‘Daniel Barenboim, Israel, Palestine, Mideast, and MUSIC.’ Or why don’t you directly visit my Knesset-blog? (Collection of articles.

3 & 4 will also be found here.) 2. (This section is created to honor such a talent as Bibi’s Big-Mouth!) 3. (‘In sum, I will travel ALL over the world and plead Palestinian Right to Targeted Killing of DORIT BEINISCH’).

(‘Dear European Countries’) In no time, I will ‘spam’ all the members in this group. Since I received a ‘specific’ permission from FACEBOOK, no one will be able to stop my work.

I thought it’s because it sounded aggressive so I made another posting: I will post my message after contacting FACEBOOK. I want to follow its rule first.

This is my group, ‘Daniel Barenboim, Israel, Palestine, Mideast, and MUSIC.’ Thanks. Now, nothing works. What should I do? This is not my first time. Please see below. I was supposed to 1.

Post my message in ‘Benjamin Netanyahu’ group. Directly contact all Bibi’s supporters. (I know I can contact perhaps 10 members a day.) It will be only after finishing this work that I will post my message in another group. Post my ‘short’ message in Barenboim groups. But I don’t send my message to the members. I’m done with them.

Post my ‘short’ message in ‘Teatro alla Scala’ group. I want to contact all the Italian Opera goers. As I wrote before, I am basically not interested in Jewish Groups. And I know how to contact La Scala or Barenboim fans by constantly changing my ID. I just wanted to follow Facebook rules. Please let me know if you have a better idea. Last time, I used to receive ‘Spam-Warning’ message after sending the same message to thirty-something members.

Then, you advised that since you can’t reveal the exact numbers, I should be very careful about my limited right to ‘so-called’ spam business. Again, my only interest is how to send my message to Italian Opera Goers without violating Facebook rules.

I hope you to understand what I mean. Sincerely yours, JIWON P.S.: Below are our previous stories sigh.

OCTOBER 31, 2008 (9:30) 🙂 From Anyway, I will keep following my plan, and feel no need to intervene in your Election Process. While traveling ALL over the world, including Arab countries, I will just work to prepare EVERYTHING for PM Netanyahu and his nationalist government. If I resume my work in FACEBOOK, my message will only become ‘NOTIFICATION,’ rather than ‘PERSUATION.’ Besides, I need to contact ALL the Italian members to let them know that I will HIRE bodyguards to STRIP OFF all the clothes of Daniel Barenboim, Elena Bashkirova and Waltraud Meier during their Italian concerts. According to FACEBOOK rules, I can contact less than 40 members a day. I want to follow all the rules.

Perhaps, I will be able to contact Jewish members ONLY AFTER the election. NO PROBLEM () SEPTEMBER 20, 2008 (Concerning my FACEBOOK work) 🙂 From Dear President Peres, You know that I temporarily quit my FACEBOOK work. I am tired, of course, but contacting 5 groups a day is not a hard work. I had to think.

() 02 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* SEPTEMBER 13, 2008 Re: Daniel Barenboim: Ooops, Spam-Warning again on September 9 (privacy+dfodc7x@facebook.com) Hi Jiwon, You received this warning because you took repeated actions that could be construed as spam. For instance, it is a violation of Facebook’s Terms of Use to repeatedly send the same message or to make the same post.

Facebook prides itself in protecting users from spam, and we take this standard very seriously. Please refrain from sending messages or making posts with the same or similar content. If you continue to take actions that could be considered spam, a warning message will appear. Failure to adhere to this warning will result in the permanent loss of your account. We appreciate your cooperation going forward. Also, thank you for reporting this potential abuse on our site. We will review the reported material and remove anything that violates our Terms of Use.

If warranted, we will either warn or disable the user responsible. If you need to report offensive material to Facebook in the future, please write to us at privacy@facebook.com with a link to the material and a description of the problem. We will then review this material and take appropriate action based on our Terms of Use. Rest assured that these reports will be kept confidential.

Remember that you should also contact local law enforcement or a school administrator if you ever feel threatened by something you see on the site. Thanks for contacting Facebook, Emma User Operations Facebook SEPTEMBER 9, 2008 (Daniel Barenboim: Ooops, Spam-Warning again on September 9) Dear FACEBOOK, (privacy@facebook.com) SORRY but I promise that I was very careful about my SPEED.

Could you please check my INBOX? Everything including the report about TIMING is saved. Anyway, I am not in a hurry. Besides, I have more important business to take care of than this mailing to FACEBOOK groups.

I am thinking to contact 5-10 groups each day. Could you please check all those “F*CK Olmert” groups? I am literally speechless, and really feel pity on this poor JEW. Sincerely yours, JIWON NO ANSWER FROM FACEBOOK!!! SEPTEMBER 8, 2008 (Daniel Barenboim: Spam-Warning on September 8). Dear FACEBOOK, (privacy@facebook.com) I received Spam-Warning again I will resume my work only after you allow me to do.

I don’t want to use ‘Friend-Request’ form to send my mail. It requires more than twice my work originally expected, making me endlessly tired. If I request all those folks as my friend, it is only after everything goes naturally. Or after sending this urgent message.

I am just thinking while making the list of Jewish/Palestinian/Mideastern groups. Right now, it is too tired to take care of members-list, due to the present FACEBOOK-format, which is, in my view, the least effective way of life/business.

Perhaps, I will receive Spam-Warning everyday. I will stop, and resume next day. Everything is up to your decision.

Sincerely yours, JIWON 01 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* NO ANSWER FROM FACEBOOK!!! SEPTEMBER 6, 2008 (Dear FACEBOOK, Is there something wrong with my work?) Dear FACEBOOK, (privacy@facebook.com) This has been my story. (My Music-blog) (My Knesset-blog) 1. I was/am/will be NOT interested in joining FACEBOOK. I have been running my two blogs for months, and there was an urgent need to let the members of FACEBOOK visit them and learn the EXACT information about their favorite subjects, whether Israeli politicians or Daniel Barenboim. Whether Mideast politics/peace or Music 2.

Perhaps, you know better than I do, for it was you who deleted all my postings and even the group, “Barenboim, Israel, Palestine, Mideast, and MUSIC.” I had to create a new ID, ‘Daniel Barenboim,’ and you took it away. For a while, it was due to the content of my message. But when I spend more time to search for Jewish Groups, it was not the reason. Could you please check the groups, which was made to insult Israeli soon-to-be-EX PM Olmert? According to your rule, those groups should not exist, whereas I find all Netanyahu Groups look terrific.

The more I search for FACEBOOK, the more I am speechless. I am now suspecting if you have been working for Dorit Beinisch, president of Supreme Court of Israel. If it was due to my tired-out schedule, why are you making me feel more and more tired? Anyway, I received spam-warning AGAIN this morning. But this time, I never want to create another Barenboim-ID. I am done with Barenboim-groups.

My legal business is the only thing left. And then, my mailing to Jewish Groups is originally not my favorite. I am already too tired.

I just wanted to help Peace Negotiation between Israel and Palestine. I was just following all the Israeli Knesset MKs’ wishes. First of all, I just wanted to follow FACEBOOK rules. Hence, I am creating this group again, “Daniel Barenboim, Israel, Palestine, Mideast, and MUSIC/WAGNER.” I only invite administrators of ALL the groups of Israel, Palestine, and Middle East. Administrator of several Music-groups, perhaps Wagner, will be invited.

I will resume my work on September 8, 2008. If you plan to meddle in my work AGAIN, please let me know BEFORE I start it. Please TAKE this group AWAY. I will just constantly change my ID and contact Barenboim’s real fans and Wagner lovers without violating FACEBOOK rules. Sincerely yours, JIWON.

🙂 >>00 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Please check 🙂 🙂 (Aug 4, 2009 – Present) 🙂 (Jul 14, 2009) 🙂 (Aug 29 – Dec 3, 2008) 🙂 🙂 Strings of Freedom (Orchestra) in Jenin refugee camp: 🙂 MUSIC INSTITUTIONS in PALESTINE: 1. Jerusalem branch 1-2. Ramallah branch 1-3. Bethlehem branch: 1-4. Nablus branch 1-5.

Gaza branch 1 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) PART of MESSAGES from JIWON to ONE PALESTINE 04 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 🙂 From MARCH 31 – APRIL 3, 2009 (please click to read the entire text) Whenever I read old stories about those Jews, I am thinking. Those are gone. People are still missing old good days. What if they are still alive? Would all of them become another Kahanist? The foremost reason of their risking lives was to leave their Jewish State to their children. Then what kind of Jewish State were they dreaming when they died for their children?

The present bloody one? Or still Greater Israel at any price? Is there something that I misunderstood while reading Israeli history? Apr 2, 2009 / By Jerusalem Post 🙂 From Mar 20, 2009 / By Haaretz 🙂 From 🙂 From Mar 29, 2009 / By Haaretz I am not Daniel Barenboim. Free Download Games Onet Portable Generators. I don’t belong to Israel or to Palestine.

I’ve followed Mideastern affairs through the eyes of third person, and therefore, under the normal circumstances, I have a perfect brain and heart to openly criticize Egypt in Shalit-case and Hamas or even PA in this Holocaust event. But now I can’t. I know the Operation Cast Lead was an inevitable happening between Israel and Hamas. I also know the IDF Soldiers’ Unbelievably Aggressive Behaviors during the Ground Operation and Civilian Excess Death Toll was also unavoidable happenings. Despite all these and those FACTS that I can simply prove by organizing the articles in chronological order, I can’t. And this is all because of.

I can NEVER defend Israel on any issues especially after strategically succeeded in bringing ‘SHAS & Co.’ at any price and Labor’s Barak joined it at any price. True that I preferred to watch Labor’s Barak accept Bibi’s invitation whenever FOLKS threatened Kadima’s Livni. I needed time; time to contact all the possible (Diaspora) Jews with my Barenboim-message until the next election. (please click to read the entire text) 03 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 🙂 From APRIL 2, 2009 NORMALIZATION activity DEAR YOU-KNOW-WHO IN ISRAEL/PALESTINE, Apr 2, 2009 / By Haaretz () On Thursday PA officials said they and Fatah were under heavy pressure from Hamas members in the camp as a result. () who was interviewed by Arab and foreign news outlets, told Haaretz that she would appeal directly to the office of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. “I’ll ask him to appoint a genuine commission of inquiry that will hear the children and their parents, too,” she said.

“I will wait until the issue is thrashed out because I cannot continue my work with these interruptions.” () JIWON: It was basically part of my present writing, regarding Holocaust Education in Palestine, but I am not sure if I can finish it in time. (I promise that this is my LAST one.) So I’m sending this part first. While collecting articles, it was easy to smell the atmosphere in this Jenin Music Group; how much the Palestinian youngsters, their family and neighbors have been welcomed this Israeli Arab female musician as their emotional leader. And this is why I heartily advise her to return to her Jenin group at the RIGHT moment without causing more mess through Palestinian President Abbas. This time, President Abbas is welcome to do anything he wants on this issue. Teaching Holocaust is important and necessary, but I don’t think it is a good idea to teach this Jewish history through PEACE-event.

It should be taught in the opposite way, and I don’t think it is a right time for this all thanks to Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. At first, I’ve never doubted that the Organizer received Permission from the Government, either from Hamas or from PA, for this NORMALIZATION activity, then I couldn’t believe my eyes. But I still believe that this female Israeli Arab musician, Wafa Younis, will understand and respect any decision from the Palestinian government, if she fits my analysis. Sincerely yours, JIWON 02 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 🙂 From March 25, 2009 Palestinian Culture Festival, Absentee Property Law, and Still Alive Shalit DEAR PALESTINIAN SIDE, JIWON: I’m afraid that it is too late on this issue. Mar 20, 2009 / By Haaretz To be honest, there was no time on this issue.

As far as I know, it was sponsored by the Palestinian Authority, and my problem was with this paragraph: The police said that they were determined to enforce the law, whereby any event organized and funded by the PA is prohibited within Jerusalem’s municipal jurisdiction. The head of the Legal Forum for the Land of Israel, Nachi Eyal, on Wednesday urged Dichter and Police Commissioner David Cohen to thwart the staging of the event. “To the best of my understanding, this is an attempt to demonstrate Palestinian sovereignty in Jerusalem in an illegal manner,” said Eyal. “The lawobligates the Palestinian Authority to respect the sovereignty of Israel within the boundaries of the State of Israel, including East Jerusalem.” Hum a very weird article in the view of international eyes.

If I were a Palestinian leader, I would make this cultural event the loudest international issue. I would use this golden opportunity to enhance my leadership inside the Palestinian State. Basically, this kind of issue is what UN Peace-Envoy Barenboim should be involved in and use his international fame to support. However I promise. The bigger mouth Barenboim performs in front of international media, the more his Mideastern pigs will use it in their favorite way only to take care of their professional career, then it will eventually weaken Palestinian leadership, which should exist for the two-state-solution.

I just hope Palestinian leader to organize this cultural event as many as possible. Next time we’ll see.

So many information on this link, including the Absentee Property Law but no time now. Anyway, I am very busy now. I am temporarily done to update my Knesset blog. (Though I had to create another section, Coallition-Deal-2009, to prepare Just-in-Case after reading American President’s address, I feel no need to finish it now.) I just want to read some articles about Shalit.

I remember there was an interesting information about Egyptian side, which certainly sounds stinky. Sincerely yours, JIWON 01 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 🙂 From ORIGINALLY PART OF DEAR PALESTINIANs, There are things to be added in (From August 13 to Present). (please click to read the entire text) (Updated on NOVEMBER 17, 2008) 🙂 From 1. 2.: () 48% of the surveyed will vote for Fatah while 12.3% will elect Hamas. () Please compare this real Palestinian Hope with the information in this article; Nov 17, 2008 / By Haaretz () Comparatively, 66% said the U.S.

Should support Israel in the peace process. Some 80% of GOP voters and 59% of Democratic were among those () I hope all the Palestinian politicians to realize what a terrific role the Palestinian Orchestra can play as the best tool to defend their right of Palestinian State while traveling all over the world. Please use it in the most effective way. People all over the world will believe that Peace is what Palestinians want to achieve inside and outside their Palestinian State.

Basically, I wanted to do this with the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, but who has been listening to me? What about Palestinian Classical Culture? Everything is up to the Palestinians, too. This is their business, I believe. If they want me as their partner, I can promise one thing. Whether through music or others, everything will be part of educational program.

I will train Barenboim’s Palestinian kids as the strongest human beings. I want to see all the Palestinian kids armed with strong Palestinian mentality. Aug 25, 2008 / By Haaretz () Gilad Shalit, who was abducted from the Gaza Strip border by Palestinian militants in 2006, has become the butt of more than one joke in the coastal territory. Several video clips and E-mails have been making the rounds in Gaza, triggering laughs that stand in stark contrast to the anxiety Shalit’s fate elicits in Israelis and Jews around the world. One clip in a recording of a mock phone call from Shalit’s mother to her son, which thousands of Gazans have downloaded onto their phones. Another image circulating online depicts Shalit dressed as a Hamas fighter and mocks him for supposedly marrying a member of the clan implicated in his abduction.

() I wrote and wrote that the Palestinian case differs from the Venezuelan one. They are born with the feeling of hatred at the bottom of their heart. Unlike other children of lesser God, they clearly know what controls their dying heart. As they get old, this feeling only grows and thickens.

Whenever they encounter IDF soldiers, a bitterer feeling of hatred it just runs through their blood. From the start of their birth, this feeling is destroying their life. How many human beings are reading this message? Does anyone know what this feeling of hatred is all about?

I knew I was dying. No one had a power to cure my dying heart. I know I can never cure those Palestinian dying hearts. All I can do is to explain how I overcame this strong desire of ‘suicide bombing.’ I just hope those poor Palestinian kids to join my club. Below is part of my mail to Knesset on OCTOBER 31, 2008; 🙂 From JIWON: () Anyway, I feel no need to intervene in your Election Process.

While traveling ALL over the world, including Arab countries, I will just work to prepare EVERYTHING for PM Netanyahu and his nationalist government. If I resume my work in, my message will only become ‘ NOTIFICATION,’ rather than ‘ PERSUATION.’ Then, what’s the reason of my mailing today, when I know FOLKs are busy whenever I post something? I have ONE important business with PM Netanyahu and ALL his supporters. I feel no need to ask his permission, though. If my project, which would ‘actually’ hurt nothing Bibi’s life, can prevent ONE Palestinian suicide bombing, PM Netanyahu will be the first one, who would welcome my idea. I know this guy is the most generous Jew.

Below is a clue: Aug 25, 2008 / By Haaretz Sometime in Past / By International media JIWON: Remember? I’ve never ‘fully’ approved Barenboim’s Divan-project, because the Palestinian case clearly differs from the Venezuelan one. I am the one, who suffered one serious mental symptom-or-illness in American music school and didn’t know it was another myself until I found Jacqueline du Pre’s biography. Music never helped to cure my mental problem. Ever since the beginning of Barenboim’s Divan-Project, I wanted to raise this issue first, which has been killing Palestinian young hearts. I wrote and wrote, and absolutely NO one listened to me.

Because absolutely NO one has suffered the same mental problem as the poor Palestinian kids. ALL they wanted to hear from Barenboim’s international fame was ‘brilliant-titles.’ Is it called a Mental Therapy in the world of medical science? Whatever it is, I don’t care.

How many Voodoo dolls would I have to make for the Palestinian kids? Time to finish this writing. Sincerely yours, JIWON ADDITIONAL MESSAGE 1 NOVEMBER 17, 2008 Dear Palestinians, There are more than two ways to ‘hilariously’ use Bibi’s Voodoo dolls. Don’t you think so? We can even make an archery ground inside a playground. No gun, please. At the same time, those healthy kids will learn how to distinguish good Jews from all the Kippahs.

(please click to read the entire text) 2 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 🙂 8) 05 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* March – April, 2009 BAHRAINI – Celebrating Jerusalem: A special performance for The Palestine Youth Orchestra Commenting on the concert, Lina Saleh, the public relations manager of the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, said that the two orchestras are composed of 80 artists. This concert comes after the great success of “Celebrating Jerusalem” concerts. The tour has visited Jerusalem, Ramalah, Jericho, Jordan and Syria in the summer of 2008. “The tour was a great success and well accepted by the Palestinian and Arab audiences.

However, the members of The Palestine Youth Orchestra were not able to rehearse before last summer due to the Israeli occupation. This is a dream that has been in our hearts for more than 5 years and it’s now a reality in Arab countries. This was well received by the Arab and Palestinian media, and they valued the high performance and the cooperation between German and Palestinian musicians toward the same goal which is Jerusalem.” () In addition to the concert, Spring of Culture is organizing an educational gathering between the members of Palestine Youth Orchestra and children from Bahrain to let the children know more about the orchestra and its elements of players, musical instruments and their different roles. The Palestine Youth Orchestra was established in 2004 through the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music. This conservatory receives more than 600 new students each year. The conservatory wanted to establish the orchestra, which was a dream for all Palestinian musicians, using all the Palestinian musical capabilities in Palestine and abroad, so they can put Palestine on the world musical map. 04 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Last update – 13:45 / By Haaretz, Noam Ben Ze’ev RAMALLAH – The Edward Said National Conservatory of Music chose to open its youth concert at the Ramallah Cultural Palace on Sunday with the “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony – a call for brotherhood between nations, humaneness, joy and peace.

Anyone who has followed the Palestine Youth Orchestra in recent years must surely be amazed by the pace of its progress. Now touting 60 young musicians, the orchestra is wholly self-reliant, no longer dependent on international support or guidance from abroad.

The children play all the instruments, including the more rarely heard tuba, French horn, oboe, timpani and contrabass. The orchestra is composed of youngsters all under the age of 18, who represent the best of the conservatory’s 600 students at its Ramallah, Bethlehem and East Jerusalem branches. After the nod to Beethoven, conductor Eiad Awadi bowed to the audience and the program continued with a classical repertoire: Handel’s “Chaconne” with variations, an overture by Carl Maria von Weber, Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition” and a festive piece by Marc-Antoine Charpentier. Some of the players had traveled wide and far to reach the concert: There were string players from Jericho and a trombonist, clarinetist and cellist from Nablus.

How did the Nablus youngsters, none of whom enjoyed regular training, manage to raise the level of their playing to that required of an orchestra? “They in any case have nothing else to do with their time,” explains the director of the music center, Nablus The Culture, a center which is inactive at the moment because Israel Defense Forces road blocks have made it almost impossible to enter or leave the city. “So they practice all day long.” The auditorium in Ramallah is usually filled with a festive atmosphere when concerts are in full swing. The lobby and the auditorium of the elegant building, which was completed in 2004 and stands atop a hill overlooking the outskirts of Ramallah, are usually flooded with light and echo with the noise of a large and lively audience. But this time, few smiles could be seen and it seemed as if even the lights had been dimmed. The news about the disaster that had befallen the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip had turned the atmosphere gloomy, and there was a certain incident that made the sadness even more acute – the fate of the new music school in Gaza that had been hit during Israel Air Force strikes on the Strip.

The news was announced before the concert by the conservatory’s director, Suhail Khoury, who added that a fund-raising campaign was being conducted to rebuild the Gazan institution. Thirty-one girls and boys had studied at the school, which was set up six months ago; most of the girls studied guitar or piano while most of the boys studied the oud, he said. They were taught by European teachers, who were married to Palestinians, and despite the fact that strict religious Islamic observance opposed musical education, Hamas authorities did not block the establishment of the school or interfere with its activities.

But the school, and all its musical instruments, were destroyed in the first waves of the IAF bombings. Fortunately there were no pupils in the building at the time. “If every family of the students at the conservatory donates just 10 dollars, we will already have $6,000,” Khoury told the audience.

“And if you also add something, we will be able to reach $10,000.” Three young girls, violinists in the orchestra, then started wending their way between the seats with their instruments to collect donations. Hands swiftly went into pockets to retrieve shekels for the donation boxes. Following this unusual interval, the concert continued with one of Mozart’s piano sonatas for four hands, the aria from Bach’s Third Suite for the Orchestra, an original composition for a flute solo by a gifted young 12-year-old musician, and finally, a surprise – two songs in Arabic by Rima Tarazi, a pianist and composer, president of the conservatory and a childhood friend of Edward Said, sung by Tania Nasir. The finale, a movement from Tchaikovsky’s Second Symphony, left the audience with mixed feelings, as they retreated into the cold and damp night in Ramallah.

03 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* September, 2004 / By Birzeit University Culture and Spirit Transcend Pain and Suffering: Palestinian Youth Orchestra Perform in Amman By Rima Tarazi, BZU Board of Trustees Member In September 2004 the Palestine Youth Orchestra was launched and introduced to audiences outside of Palestine for the first time. The embryo of this orchestra has been in the making ever since 1999 composed of students of the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music affiliated with Birzeit University. However, due to the deteriorating situation in Palestine, the development of the Orchestra was hindered until August 2003, when Maestro Daniel Barenboim made a commitment to develop a youth orchestra in five years time through the generous help of the Barenboim Said Foundation. Unfortunately, the late Edward Said, the guiding spirit behind this project and a staunch supporter of the Conservatory and a strong believer in the vital role of music in education and in life in general, had already passed away at the launching of the Orchestra last May in Ramallah, under the magical baton of Daniel Barenboim. In Amman the youth of the ESNCM were joined by gifted and advanced young Palestinian instrumentalists coming from various parts of the world, mainly, Syria, Jordan, Germany, England and Italy, who were mobilized through the efforts of ESNCM faculty members.

With the generous financial support of several organizations and the untiring efforts of volunteers and musicians in Amman and faculty and staff members of the Conservatory, fifty three young people spent a whole week in a secluded hotel in Jarash practicing and rehearsing with local teachers and musicians from abroad. The performance, which was dedicated to the prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails, was in a word superb as could be seen by the standing ovation the performers received. The audience was thrilled and reinforced in their conviction that no matter how hard the Palestinians are hit, their identity and culture will always allow them to transcend their pain and suffering and assert themselves with dignity and beauty.

Moreover, it was extremely heart warming to feel the enthusiasm of Palestinian and Arab musicians and music lovers amongst the audience, who expressed their willingness to do their utmost to promote the Orchestra. 02 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 4 – 10 September 2003 / by AL-AHRAM No ordinary concert BY Tania Tamari Nasir: Last week the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, the musical group set up by Daniel Barenboim and Edward Said, played at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Tania Tamari Nasir tells the story of two powerful experiences in Jerusalem and Birzeit, the backdrop to this unique project where Arab and Israeli musicians play together, transcending conflict and war, extending a hand for peace. Edward Said and Daniel Barenboim’s friendship has inspired numerous creative collaborations which have significantly touched and continue to touch the lives of many Palestinians and Israelis. Parallels and Paradoxes: Explorations in Music and Society, (Pantheon Books, 2002) is a perfect example of such a collaboration, an exciting record of some of their most stimulating conversations in recent years. In his introduction explaining the reason behind publishing these conversations Said wrote: “Our whole aim was to share our thoughts amiably and energetically with each other, and with others for whom music, culture and politics to-day form a unique whole. What that whole is I am happy to say, neither of us can fully state, but we ask our readers, our friends, to join us in trying to find out.” As a reader and friend I am dutifully heeding the call, responding by recounting what I have personally experienced and what I have discovered when in the company of Edward Said and Daniel Barenboim, and at an unusual concert five years ago in Jerusalem; music, culture and politics met to create a unique whole, a unique moment, of truth and reconciliation.

Alas, only a moment, and only for a while. A few months ago a friend sent me Suzie Mackenzie’s article “In Harmony” (The Guardian, 3 April, 2003).

“I am sure you would enjoy reading it,” she said. She was right.

The article was an interview with Daniel Barenboim and Edward Said, authors of Parallels and Paradoxes. I had read the book in galley proof when Edward Said sent it to me and I was moved and impressed by what these two creative minds had to say to one another and to the world, on issues as diverse as music and politics, all set in the frame work of a liberal humanism. But there was something else in the article that touched me personally. At one point, in the course of the article, Mackenzie quotes Edward Said describing a concert of Barenboim’s that he had attended several years ago in Jerusalem at which Barenboim dedicated an encore to a Palestinian friend who, with her husband, had entertained both him and Edward at their home in the occupied West Bank.

The person Edward Said spoke about was me, and the briefly alluded to story was an experience that has enriched and inspired me ever since. The experience had a special significance for me. It had reinforced my long-held belief in the arts as unmatched instruments of change, as powerful tools of the mind and soul that when used creatively and honestly, can conjure up new and exciting realities of their own.

It was the first week of March, 1998, and Edward Said was calling from his hotel in East Jerusalem, his voice, as always, urgent, energetic. “I am here with my close friend Daniel Barenboim, he told me. He is a wonderful man, a great human being. He is Israeli, an ardent supporter of peace and justice for Palestine and the Palestinians.” “Daniel is giving a concert this week-end in West Jerusalem,” Edward went on to say, and had asked him to invite, on Barenboim’s behalf, some of his Palestinian friends. Edward must have sensed my hesitation on the other end of the telephone.

“Tania,” he hastened to say, “I really know the situation, your sensitivities and reservations, but Daniel is no ordinary man, no ordinary musician. I would like you to come. What do you think?” What did I think? Invited to a concert by Daniel Barenboim, in the company of Edward Said, two intellectual and artistic giants of our time. How could I stop and think? Others would jump at such an opportunity, yet Edward knew exactly why I had hesitated and why I had to “think” instead of blurting out the spontaneous “yes” that should have come to my lips.

I had to think because, apart from the emotional and moral barriers, actually getting to West Jerusalem, just 20km away, was itself a major and risky undertaking. AS A PALESTINIAN residing in the West Bank, under Israeli occupation since 1967, I was prevented by military orders from being in Israeli territory. West Jerusalem, where Daniel was to give his concert, was a physically prohibited area for me. Most Palestinians under occupation have deep reservations about relations with Israelis. With the on-going military occupation and daily human rights violations one cannot simply turn a blind eye to the injustices and the humiliations. One cannot simply go to a concert in West Jerusalem and act as if everything in our lives is normal.

It was now close to five years since we had returned to Palestine. After almost 20 years of exile my husband, Hanna Nasir, president of Birzeit University, had been allowed back home, a home under occupation but home nonetheless. The end of the deportation order was part of the confidence-building measures that came in the aftermath of the Oslo accords. Promises of peace brought cautious joy to our hearts.

The long years of exile were a strenuous burden. We were tired of confrontation, animosity, bitterness and anxiety. We longed for stability, for our family and for the millions of Palestinians living and struggling for decades in a state of endless hope.